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Show 1878.] MR. J. W. CLARK ON OTARIA URSINA. 371 As might be expected, the subject of the present paper has all the habits of its near ally P. stewarti, for which, indeed, I mistook it on the wing. When shot it was wending its way very adroitly through dense nettle-jungle (Girandinia heterophylla), climbing up and down the stalks in search of mosquitoes and other insect food. The allied species to P. policephala, viz. P. stewarti and P. cinereocapilla, do not apparently occur in Kumaon. In concluding m y remarks on the subject, I am glad to be able to add that the Marquis of Tweeddale concurs with me in considering the Prinia new to science. The Marquis writing to me respecting this species, gives his opinion in the following terms, which by his permission, I here transcribe:-" Your Prinia seems to be a good and distinct species." 7. Notes on three stuffed Specimens of the Sea-lion of the Pribilov Islands (Gtaria ursina). By J. W . C L A R K, M.A., F.Z.S. [Eeceived March 19, 1878.] (Plate XX.) The specimens I have the pleasure of exhibiting this evening were sent to the Museum of the University of Cambridge in October 1877, by the Alaska Commercial Company. Some time before that date the Company had most obligingly acceded to m y request that they would endeavour to obtain for me some specimens of this Sea-lion, which is the most abundant of the two species found upon the islands ceded to them for trading-purposes by the Government of the United States, the other being Steller's Sea-lion (Otaria stelleri). The " set of Seals," as the Secretary's letter terms them, consists of a male, a female, and a pup, from St. Paul's Island, Alaska. Those who have read Elliott's 'Report' * will remember that this is the island which is most thickly peopled by this species of Otaria and yields the greatest number of skins in each year. The skull and the bones of the arm and leg accompanied each skeleton ; so that the age of the animal can be approximately ascertained. From the condition of those portions of the skeleton, and from the size of the animals as compared with the measurements given in the work above quoted and in Allen's ' Monograph'3 (pp. 73-108), it is clear that they are not full-grown. This is to be regretted, as the opportunity so seldom occurs of obtaining an Otaria in that condition : and from the vast numbers that exist on the Prybilov Islands, I had hoped that the specimens, when they arrived, would prove to be adult. Notwithstanding this drawback, however, they are a most interesting group, and illustrate extremely well the difference in 1 Report on the Prybilov Group or Seal Islands of Alaska. By Henry W. Elliott, 4to. Washington, 1873. a " On the Eared Seals (Otanadae). By J. A. Allen, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard College, Cambridge, vol. ii. p. 1. 24 K |