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Show 692 MR. F. M O O R E ON N E W HESPERIDAE. [June 18, wing with an indistinct cell-spot and a discal series of three pale yellowish, semidiaphanous spots. Underside greenish-ochreous; costal base of fore wing ochreous-red, hind margin broadly dusky black and centred by a white streak ; markings as above, but less distinct. Female brown above, with less ochreous at base, the spots more prominent. Underside as in male. Expanse 1§ inch. Hab. Masuri, 7000 feet, N.W. Himalaya. In coll. Major Lang and F. Moore. Nearest allied to P. subhyalina, Menetr., from China. PAMPHILA SIVA, n. sp. Male. Allied to preceding (P. brahma). Darker brown above, the base of fore wing and large lower discal spot only being ochreous, upper semidiaphanous spots brighter yellow, the one between the lower median branches broader; spots on hind wing prominent. Underside brighter greenish-ochreous, base of costa not ochreous red ; spots on hind wing clear white, very prominent and with dark border. Expanse 11 inch. Hab. Khasia hills (G. Austen). In coll. F. Moore. ASTICTOPTERUS OLIVASCENS, n. Sp. Allied to A. unicolor, Brem. (Menetr. Catal. Mus. Pet. Lep. i. t. 5. f. 6), from Pekin and Hong Kong, but of larger size. Upperside uniform glossy olive-brown. Female with a white, semidiaphanous, narrow subapical spot crossed by the fourth and fifth subcostal branches. Underside : male uniformly brown ; hind wing sparsely grey-speckled : female with subapical spot on fore wing as above, the exterior margin grey-speckled ; hind wing with three ill-defined, sparsely grey-speckled, transverse bands. Palpi, body, and legs beneath grey. Expanse ly^inch. Hab. Salween, Moulmain (Lieut. B. C. Bevan); Darjeeling (Atkinson and Dr. Staudinger). In coll. F. Moore. CYCLOPIDES SUBVITTATUS, n. sp. Male and Female. Upperside dark vinous-brown ; extreme edge of both the costa and cilia chrome-yellow. Female with an oblique subapical small chrome-yellow streak, composed of three connected spots crossed by two branches of subcostal vein. Underside: fore wing vinous-brown, with the costal vein, subcostal veins along their marginal end, and a narrow outer marginal band chrome-yellow : hind wing chrome-yellow, with partly interrupted black streaks between the veins. Expanse J-i inch. Hab. Salween district, Moulmain (Lieut. B. C. Bevan). In coll. F. Moore. Note. Also in Mr. Atkinson's collection, labelled Darjiling. |