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Show 1878.] LAND AND MARINE SHELLS. 313 A beautiful species, characterized by its closely granulated sculpture, and the rosy coloration of the mouth. ROSTELLARIA LUTEOSTOMA, n. Sp. (Plate XVIII. figS. 8, 9.) Shell fusiform, solid, light brown, paler below the sutures ; spire attenuated, apex sharp-pointed; whorls 15, the first 9 or 10 longitudinally strongly plicate, those nearest the apex being cancellated with fine transverse ridges, the lower whorls nearly smooth, with a few concentric grooves near the base or the last whorl; columella covered with a strong tumid polished callus ; outer lip with 5 digitations on the lower half of the margin ; posterior canal extending upwards beyond the centre of the third whorl; beak moderate, nearly straight in the young shell, somewhat curved outwards in the adult; aperture golden yellow, deepest on the lower portion of the columella. Length 4 inches 3 lines, diam. 1 inch 3 lines. Hab. Kurrachi, near the mouth of the Indus. This beautiful shell forms an interesting addition to the restricted genus Bostellaria (Gladius of Klein), of which hitherto only about half a dozen recent species have been described. All the known species inhabit the Asiatic seas, none having been met with in any part of the New World. The two examples (one young and the other in the adult state) from which I have taken my description, are from the collection of Sir David Barclay, and are, so far as I am aware, unique in this country. MITRA (COSTELLARIA) LINCOLNENSIS, n. sp. (Plate XVIII. figs. 10,11.) Shell acuminately fusiform, solid, whitish, tinged with irregular longitudinal chestnut flames, with a narrow band of interrupted spots encircling the centre of the whorls, the lower half of the last whorl chestnut, with a faint band of reticulated brown and white spots in the middle ; whorls 7, a little convex, with numerous, stout, rounded longitudinal ribs, which are slightly nodulous below the sutures; interstices smooth, sutures impressed ; spire longer than the aperture; outer lip simple, a little contracted below; columella with 4 strong plaits, the posterior one the largest: basal canal short, slightly recurved. Length 7, breadth 2 lines. Hab. Port Lincoln, South Australia. MITRA SCHOMBURGKI, n.sp. (Plate XVIII. figs. 12, 13.) Shell ovately fusiform, moderately solid, strongly longitudinally ribbed, the ribs becoming nearly obsolete towards the lower portion of the last whorl, livid brown, with a broad pale suffused band on each whorl and four narrow dark brown lines encircling the last whorl, one above and three below the band ; whorls 6^-, convex; spire turreted; sutures impressed; aperture subovate, equal in length to the spire ; outer lip simple, areuate, sulcate internally |