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Show 1878.] C O L L E C T E D B Y PROF, S T E E R E IN S O U T H AMERICA. 141 Obs. Affinis C. richardsoni, sed colore corporis superioris palli-diore viridi, nucha cyanea, et pectore limonaceo-flavo sane diversus. Of this beautiful new Capito, which we have the pleasure of dedi-to its discoverer, there is, unfortunately, but one specimen in the collection, now in the Museum of the University of Michigan. The species is closely allied in form and disposition of colour to C. richardsoni, but may be distinguished by the differences pointed out above. Among some birds lately sent by Mr. G. N . Lawrence of New York to Sclater for determination, we find an imperfect skin, evidently of the same species. It was obtained by Walter S. Church at the "head-waters of the Huallaga," during his journey up that river, and belongs to the collection of the Smithsonian Institution. 19. COLUMBULA CAMPESTRIS (Spix). Five specimens of this species are in Prof. Steere's collection, all of them obtained at Arare, in the island of Marajo. The species, though long ago described by Spix, has seldom been met with by more recent collectors. Natterer, however, secured several examples, mostly in the Brazilian provinces of Goiaz and Cuyaba. 20. LIMOSA FEDOA (Linn.). Limosa fedoa, Scl. & Salv. Nomencl. p. 146. One of two specimens of this Godwit was obtained at Santa Rosa, Ecuador; the other is without precise locality. Though the allied L. hudsonica ranges throughout South America, this species, so far as we know, has not hitherto been noticed south of Central America. 21. XEMA SABINII, J. Sab. Xema sabinii, Coues, Birds of the North-west, p. 660. Prof. Steere's collection contains a single example of the Fork-tailed Gull, shot at Tumbez, Western Peru. This is the first instance of the occurrence of the species in any thing like so southern a locality, the limit of its southern range having been hitherto supposed to be the Great Salt Lake, Utah. The specimen is in adult winter plumage, the head being white, the nape and back of the neck ashy black, each feather with a very narrow white margin; the mantle is pure grev, and the primaries coloured as in the adult bird. 22. CRYPTURUS TRANSFASCIATUS, sp. n. (Plate XIII.) Suprcl ochraceus, dorso toto et alis extus nigro transfasciatis; cervice posticd murino-brunned; pileo nigro, ochraceo brunneo transfasciato ; superciliis, gula et abdomine medio albis ; cervice imd et pectore griseis ; hypochondriis et tectricibus caudce inferioribus cervinis nigro transfasciatis; rostro corneo, mandibular basi flavicante, pedibus flavis : long, tota 12, alee 6*2, caudee 2* tarsi 2*9, rostri a rictu 1*5. Hab. Santa Rosa, Ecuador (Steere). |