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Show 852 MR. F. MOORE ON LEPIDOPTEROUS [Nov. 5, Fam. ACIDALID^E. BlTHIA EXCLUSA. Bithia exclusa, Walker, Catal. Lep. Het. B. M . xxii. p. 320. Ahsown. ACIDALIA ATTENTATA. Acidalia attentata, Walker, Catal. Lep. Het. B. M. xxii. p. 734 (1861). Ahsown. Fam. MICRONID^E. MICRONIA GRAMMEARIA. Micronia grammearia, Geyer, Hiibn. Zutr. p. 36, f. 761. Hatsiega; Taoo, 3000-5000 feet; Moolai, 3000-6000 feet. MICRONIA ACULEATA. Micronia aculeata, Gu6n. Phal. ii. p. 26, pl. 13. f. 8 (1857). Moolai, 3000-6000 feet. MICRONIA VAGATA. Micronia vagata, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1877, p. 622, pl. 60. f. 18. Ahsown ; above Ahsown ; Moolai, 3000-6000 feet. Fam. ZERENIDiE. POTERA, n. gen. Male. Fore wing somewhat trigonal; costa arched at base ; apex convex ; exterior margin oblique ; costal vein extending to near apex ; subcostal vein four-branched, first and second branches before the end of the cell, second bifid, fourth from the end of the cell; discocellulars bent inward, radial from their middle ; median vein three-branched ; submedian extending to above posterior angle. Hind wing oval ; costal vein extending to apex ; subcostal vein two-branched from the end of the cell; other veins as in fore wing. Body slender ; antennae minutely pectinated ; palpi very small, slender; legs slender, squamose. POTERA MARGINATA, n. sp. (Plate LIII. fig. 9.) Male. White ; cilia black : fore wing with the costal and exterior borders narrowly and irregularly black-bordered ; a very large black spot also at the end of the cell, a smaller spot on the disk beyond, another near base of posterior margin, and a curved streak at the posterior angle: hind wing with black marginal line and spots. Body and legs yellow*, spotted with black; antennae brown. Expanse If inch. Moolai, 3000-6000 feet. In coll. J. Wood-Mason. |