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Show 978 MR. H. SEEBOHM ON SYLVIA BLANFORDI. [Dec. 3, subdivided : anterior frontals much smaller than the posterior; vertical large, broad in front, with the lateral margins concave; occipitals rounded behind. Loreal nearly square; three ante-oculars, the upper of which is large, concave, extending onto the vertical shield ; the two lower are small, and may be regarded as detached portions of the fourth upper labial. Two postoculars; eight upper labials, of which the fifth enters the orbit. Temporals scale-like, 2 + 3-1-3, the lower of the anterior pair being iarger than the upper. The scales smooth, in 19 rows. Ventrals 197; anal bifid; subcaudals 79. Abdomen with a slight ridge on each side. The ground colour of this most beautiful snake is olive; a bright orange streak begins on the vertical shield and runs along the entire median line of the back and tail. It is interrupted by broad black cross bands, of which the two anterior occupy the crown of the head, twenty-one encircle the trunk, and eight the tail. The bands on the trunk do not reach across the middle of the abdomen ; but the rings on the tail are complete. The length of the entire specimen is 26 inches, that of the tail being 6|. It was found on the mountains east of El Muwaylah. ZAMENIS CLIFFORDII, Schleg. A young specimen from tbe sandy coast-region of Tihamat Midian. ECHIS CARINATA, Merr. One specimen from the sandy coast-region. ECHIS COLORATA. This specimen approaches the true Vipers in general habit; but the scales on the side are arranged in the same peculiar manner which is characteristic of Echis. In the thickest part of the body the scales form about 35 longitudinal series. There are four series of small scales between the eye and the upper labials. Greyish with large pinkish spots on the upperside; they are rounded on the front part of the body, but more irregular and broken up on the posterior. Lower parts whitish, speckled and powdered with greyish. Ventrals 208 ; subcaudals 48. The single example, which is much injured, was caught on Jebel Sharr, at an altitude of 4500 feet above the level of the sea. It is 27 inches long, the thin tail measuring 3 inches only. 2. On a new Species of Sylvia from Abyssinia, and on some other Abyssinian Sylvians. B y H E N R Y S E E B O H M , F.Z.S. [Received November 7, 1878.] The only species of the genus Sylvia obtained by Jesse on the Abyssinian expedition, was the common Whitethroat. This species was also obtained by Blanford ; and in addition he records (Geol. and |