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Show 1878.] BIRDS OF TERNATE, AMBOYNA, ETC. 97 marked females, differ from two other specimens collected by marked males. These have the head, the neck, the tail, and the upper tail-coverts jet-black ; and the breast in one specimen is tinged with black more conspicuously than in the others. Ought we to believe that the plumage of the first three specimens, described by Sharpe as that of the young bird, is also the plumage of the adult female, or that by a strange combination all the three specimens marked females are really young ones 1 23. CRACTICUS CASSICUS (Bodd.). [No. 218. Female, Wokan: eyes dark, deep blue; base of the mandibles light-coloured, with a tinge of blue, tips of mandibles black; stomach with leaves and seeds.-J. Mi] 24. CYRTOSTOMUS FRENATUS (S. Miill.). [No. 222. Male, Wokan : eyes black ; bill and feet black.-J. Mi] 25. MYZOMELA NIGRITA, G. R. Gr. Myzomela nigrita, G. R. Gr. P. Z. S. 1858, p. 173, Aru (type examined). Myzomela erythrocephala, Meyer (nee Gould), Sitzb. k. Ak. Wiss. zu Wien, lxx. p. 204 (1874), § and young 3 (specimens examined). [No. 232. Wokan, male : eyes hazel; bill and feet black ; stomach had insects.-J. Mi] Gray describes the male as " entirely shining deep black," omitting to mention that it has the under wing-coverts and the inner edges of the remiges white. 26. XANTHOTIS FILIGERA (Gould). Ptilotis filigera, Gould, P.Z.S. 1850, p. 278, pl. 34, Cape York. [No. 261. Wanumbai, male.-/. M.] This bird has the light spots on the nape scarcely visible. Two specimens from Utanata, collected by S. Miiller, in the Museum of Leyden, belong to this species and not to the northern form X. chrysotis (Less.). 27. DRYMACEDUS BECCARII, Salvad. Drymacedus beccarii, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vii. p. 965. sp. 52 (1875), Arfak. [No. 257. Wanumbai, male.-J". M.] This example agrees completely with the type from the Arfak Mountains. This is a new species for the Aru Islands. 28. CALORNIS METALLICA (Temm.). [Nos. 215, 216, 217. Males, Wokan: eyes coral-red ; bill and legs black; small black seeds in the stomach of the adult males. The above were the most abundant birds we saw on the 17th September 1874.-^. Mi] PROC. ZOOL. Soc-1878, No. VII. 7 |