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Show 582 MR. J. WOOD-MASON ON NEW MANTID.E. [May 21, The organs of flight are long and rather pointed, extending, when closed, far (nearly a fourth of their length) beyond the extremity of the abdomen. The tegmina are hyaline everywhere except in the marginal field and along a very narrow linear space next to the principal nervure, between the base of the organ and the stigma, in which parts they are opaque green ; the median vein gives off two branches; and the first branch of the discoidal is forked ; the stigma is placed just after the origin of the third branch of the discoidal vein. The wings are throughout hyaline, save the marginal area, which is a little clouded with green; the discoidal vein is three-branched. The front crest of the fore coxae armed with ten to eleven low blunt tubercles, which become successively higher and sharper towards the distal end of the joint; and the external crest is quite smooth ; the tibiae have ten to eleven teeth on the outer edge, and 14 on the inner; the superior margin of the femora is slightly arcuate. The edges of lamellar margins of pronotum quite smooth. Total length 85 millims. ; length of pronotum 28, greatest breadth of pronotum 13*25 ; breadth of primitive pronotum at dilatation 8 ; length of abdomen 3 1 + 6 (last ventral segment)=3 7 ; length of tegmina 76, to stigma 20; width of tegmina 19, of their marginal field 5*25 ; length of stigma 4, breadth of stigma 0*9 ; length of antennae 50. Hab. The records of the British Museum state that the specimen was received in a collection of insects from Malabar. Obs. The lamellar front margin of tegmina entire. HIERODULA (RHOMBODERA) ATRICOXIS, n. sp. (Plate XXXVI. figs. 4,4 a, 4 bi) 3 2 • Very closely allied to H. (R.) laticollis, Burm., from which it differs in having the lamellar expansions of the pronotum absolutely narrower, concave instead of straight postero-laterally, and not extended quite so far towards the base of the segment, and in having the whole inner surface of the fore coxee coloured jet-black, and the hinder end of the prosternum and the mesosternum symmetrically marked with the same colour. The anterior crest of the fore coxae armed with minute blunt denticles and granules ; tibiae with eleven teeth ( 3 $ ) on the outer edge, and $ 15, 3 14 on the inner. Sexual differences the same as in the allied species. Total length, $ about 80 millims.; length of pronotum, 2 27, 3 25*5, of which the anterior lobe is respectively, 2 & a n d cf 7; greatest breadth of pronotum, $ 16, c? 15; breadth of primitive pronotum at supracoxal dilatation, $9*5, 3 9; length of tegmina, 2 50, 3 64, breadth of tegmina, 2 20, 3 19*5, breadth of marginal field, 2 6, c? 5; length of fore coxa, $ 18, 3 17; femur, 2 22, 3 20; of intermediate femur, $ 19, 3 18; tibia, 2 17, 3 15; of posterior femur, $ 22*5, 3 21*5; tibia, $ 23*5, 3 23. Hab. 2» Australia (C. French) ; 3, one of the islands in Torres Straits (MacFarlane). Obs. With the exception of the Indian //. (Bi) tectiformis, which |