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Show LIST OF PLATES. 1878. PART IV. Plate Page XLVII. Trachea of Rhynchaea bengalensis 745 XLVIII. New Marine Shells 795 XLIX. Pceoptera lugubris • 802 L. Shells of the Andaman Islands , 804 LI.] LII. [ Lepidoptera from Upper Tenasserim 821 LIII. J LIV. New Shells 859 LV. Classification of the Cervidae 883 LVI. Skull of Gazella walleri 929 LVII. Accipiter stevensoni 1 LVIII. Pseudoptynx gurneyi ... V 936 LIX. Chaetura picina j LX. Chambered shells of Cephalopods 955 LXI. Ara spixi 976 LXII. Zamenis elegantissimus 977 NOTICE. According to present arrangements the' Proceedings' are issued in four parts, as follows:- Part I. containing papers read in January and February, on June 1st. II. „ „ „ March and April, on August 1st. III. ,, „ „ May and June, on October 1st. IV. „ „ ,, November and December, on April 1st. The price is 12s. per part for the edition with coloured, and 3s. per part for that with uncoloured Plates. A second Title-page and List of Plates is given with this part for the use of those who prefer to bind up the Plates in a separate volume. |