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Show 622 THE MARQUIS OF TWEEDDALE ON [May 21, 39. C O R V U S PUSILLUS, n. sp. Female. Basal portion of plumage white. Above purple-black, with a slight greyish shade. Wing-coverts and outer margins of rectrices deep purple-black. Plumage underneath dull ashy black, with a purplish gloss on cheeks and throat. Contour of bill as in the G-validus group. Dimensions:- Wing. Tail. Tarsus. Culmen. in. in. in. in. 2 8*75 5*25 1*75 2*12 [P. Princesa, $, December 27, 1877: iris deep brown ; bill, legs, and claws shining black.] This Crow, or rather small Raven, is a diminutive form of C. validus and its allies. It has no affinity with true C. enca. 40. CALORNIS PANAYENSIS (128). Calornis chalybeus (Horsf.), Sharpe, t. c. p. 343. no. 111. [P. Princesa, $, December 1877: iris brilliant red; bill and feet black.] A large series is sent by Mr. Everett, which I refer to the Philippine rather than to the Bornean species. 41. GRACULA JAVANENSIS. Corvus javanensis, Osbeck, Voy. China & E. Ind. i. p. 157, "Java" (Eng. tr. 1771). [P. Princesa, 3, January 1878 : iris deep brown; bill fine deep orange ; wattles and legs chrome-yellow ; claws dark brown. $, December 3, 1877: iris deep brown; bill red-orange; wattles orange-yellow; legs yellow.] These examples are not to be distinguished from Bornean, although they are somewhat smaller and have slenderer bills than Javan and Sumatran individuals. 42. OXYCERCA EVERETTI. Oxycerca everetti, Tweeddale, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 699, t. lxxiii. f. 2. [P. Princesa, cf, December 1877: iris rich deep orange-brown; bill, maxilla black, mandible pale grey; feet, legs, and claws dark lead-grey. cf juv. : iris umber-brown ; mandible blackish ; maxilla black ; angle of gape pure white ; legs, feet, and claws lead-grey.J Oxycerca everetti is a very closely allied form of O. leucogastra of Malacca and Borneo, mainly to be distinguished by the crown of the head being striated in the former and uniform in the latter, and the breast and general colouring being nutmeg-brown and not sooty brown. These Palawan examples, although not quite identical with either species, most nearly resemble O. everetti. The general tone of colour is nutmeg-brown ; but the crown of the head is not striated. |