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Show 826 MR. F. MOORE ON LEPIDOPTEROUS [Nov. 5, the fore wing being more produced at the apex and the hind wing posteriorly. Underside similarly marked, excepting that the yellow-bordered black spot on the fore wing is more oval, and the spots on the hind wing smaller, this wing also having the inner yellow band acutely angled in the middle. Expanse 2\ inches. Taoo, 3000-5000 feet. In coll. J. Wood-Mason. ELYMNIAS TINCTORIA, n. sp. Allied to E. undularis, of India. Male. Upperside dark blue-black, the marginal blue spots on fore wing larger; border of hind wing dusky purple, with a series of small white spots. Female with prominent blue-black borders and white markings. Expanse 3 inches. Meetan, 3000 feet, April; Moolai, 3000-6000 feet. In coll. J. Wood-Mason. ELYMNIAS VASUDEVA. Elymnias vasudeva, Moore, Catal. Lep. E.I. C. i. p. 238 (1857). Taoo, 3000-5000 feet. DYCTIS LEUCOCYMA. Biblis leucocyma, Godt. Enc. Meth. ix. p. 326 (1819). Ahsown. Subfam. NYMPHALIN^E. AMATHUSIA PHIDIPPUS. Papilio phidippus, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, p. 752 (1767); Cramer, Pap. Exot. i. tab. 69. f. A, B. Meetan, 3000 feet, April. ZEUXIDIA MASONI, n. sp. Allied to Z. amethystus, Butler, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 485, from Sumatra. Female. Differs in the paler colour of the wings, and in the greater breadth of the yellow oblique band, the band entire and terminating at the middle median branch, below which are two similar-coloured spots; a small pale patch before apex of the wing; hind wing pale cinnamon-brown broadly along outer border. Expanse 4 | inches. Meetan, 3000 feet, April. In coll. J. Wood-Mason. DISCOPHORA TULLIA. Papilio tullia, Cramer, Pap. Exot. i. tab. 81. f. A, B (1779). Above Ahsown. DISCOPHORA ZAL. Discophora zal, Westw. Gen. D. Lep. p. 331 (1851); Trans. Ent. Soc. 1858, p. 188, pl. 21. f. 5, 6. Taoo, 3000-5000 feet; Moolai, 3000-6000 feet. |