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Show 814 MR. E. A. SMITH ON MARINE SHELLS [Nov. 5, is variegated with fine white zigzag lines and small brownish principally on the upper edges of the transverse lirae. The superior margin of the upper purplish-brown band is interrupted by opaque white blotches edged on one side by dark brown. In the Monograph of this genus (Thesaurus Conchy], iv.) Sowerby cosiders this species a variety of M. incisa, Ad. & Reeve. However, I think there are sufficient differences to separate them. The form of the latter is narrower, the whorls proportionally higher, the transverse ridges on the spire flatter, and the spire itself is less acutely conical. 42. MITRA (CANCILLA) ANNULATA, Reeve, Conch. Icon. ii. sp. 103. M. nitens, Kiener, Coq. Viv. pl. 29. fig. 96. Hab. Zanzibar (Beeve). The plaits on the columella are not invariably five in number, some specimens being furnished with a sixth. The shells from the Andaman Islands have less of the brown markings than appear in Reeve's figure, and in this respect resemble more tbe specimen delineated by Kiener. 43. MITRA (CANCILLA) PHILIPPINARUM, A. Adams, P.Z.S. 1851, p. 141. M. jiammea, Reeve (not of Quoy & Gaimard), Conch. Icon. ii. fig. 120. Hab. Philippine Islands. This species, when in fine condition, has the transverse costae prettily marked with small, close-set, olive-brownish dots. These are not mentioned by Reeve or Adams, owing to the fact that the specimens in Cuming's collection which they described are somewhat worn or over-cleaned ; however, they are traceable when closely searched for. 44. MITRA (CHRYSAME) TABANULA, Lamk., Kiener, Coq. Viv. pl. 9. fig. 27 ; Voy. Astrolabe, pl. 45 bis, figs. 10-13 ; Reeve, Conch. Icon. ii. fig. 332. Hab. Philippines (Reeve) ; Vanikoro (Quoy). The specimen of this species from the Andamans is rather small, and of a uniform deep brown colour. The three plaits on the columella are whitish, the aperture olivaceous ; and the outer lip has three or four conspicuous tubercular teeth at a short distance from the upper extremity. 45. MITRA (CYLINDRA) UNDULOSA, Reeve, Conch. Icon, species 193, fig. 192. Hab. Philippines (Cuming). A very short stunted variety was obtained by Capt. Wilmer. It has eight plaits on the columella, whereof the uppermost is much thicker than the rest. 46. MITRA (CALLITHEA) ACUPICTA, Reeve, Conch. Icon. fig. 76. The Andaman shell agrees precisely in form with the type from Zanzibar; but the longitudinal costae are less numerous. |