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Show 410 DR. GWYN JEFFREYS ON MOLLUSCA OF THE [Apr. 16, 3. ARGIOPE CISTELLULA, S. V. Wood. Terebratula cistellula, S. V. Wood, in Ann. & Mag. N. H. vi. p. 253. A. cistellula, B. C. ii. p. 19, pl. 1. f. 2; v. p. 164, pl. xix. f. 4. Norway, Shetland to Guernsey, Ireland, Normandy, S.W. France : 20-45 f. I was wrong in referring this species to the Orthis lunifera of Philippi, which is (at any rate partly) the young of Megerlia truncata. I likewise mistrust the Mediterranean habitat cited by me for a specimen of the present species, and have now omitted it; the specimen was more probably the young of A. cuneata. 4. ARGIOPE CUNEATA, Risso. Terebratula cuneata, Risso, Hist. Nat. de l'Eur. merid. iv. p. 388, fig. 179. Mediterranean, Adriatic, .ZEgean, and Canary Isles: 28-200 f. Probably also Guadeloupe, 111-150 f. (Schramm, fide Crosse and Fischer as A. schrammi). The shape varies from triangular to broadly oblong; ribs two to ten, more or less vanishing in some specimens, and altogether wanting in others. I have been favoured by Professor Seguenza with an opportunity of examining his unique specimen of A. biplicata from the Straits of Messina, and of comparing it with an extensive series of A. cuneata and its colourless variety. The result of such examination and comparison, as regards both the outside and inside, compels me to consider the specimen an abnormal form of A. cuneata. Terebratula soldaniana, Risso ; Anomia pera, v. Miihlfeld ; T.sco-binata, Cantraine, not Anomia scobinata of Linne. Subgenus Gwynia. No septum. 5. A R G I O P E CAPSULA, Jeffreys. Terebratula capsula, Jeffr. in Ann. & Mag. N. H . ser. 3, ii. p. 125, pl. v. f. 4 ; iii. pl. ii. f. 7, 8. A. capsula, B. C. ii. p. 21 ; v. p. 164, pl. xix. f. 5. East and south of Ireland, Plymouth, Weymouth, Guernsey, Etretat; Sluys-kill, Zealand, near the Belgian frontier (Colbeau) ? : 8-25 f. I have lately opened and carefully examined more specimens of this minute Brachiopod, as well as very young specimens of Terebratula caput-serpentis, T. cranium, T. vitrea, Argiope decollata, A. neapolitana, A. cistellula, A. cuneata, Platydia anomioides, and Megerlia truncata, of nearly similar dimensions. All of these last are certainly distinct from A. capsula in respect of the internal apparatus or skeleton, which is nearly wanting in A. capsula. The young of Platydia anomio'ides has, besides the septum, a very large byssal orifice in the lower valve; otherwise that species might be the adult of A. capsula : but it has never been found with the latter species, |