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Show 1878.] MR. A. G. BUTLER ON NEW LEPIDOPTERA. 383 PHAOS, Walker. 5. P H A O S VIGENS, n. sp. Primaries dark chocolate- brown with cream-coloured margins ; a discoidal streak broken into three nearly equal spots, an apical costal spot, and an angulated stripe beyond the middle (its inferior extremity terminating at the centre of the interno-median interspace in an acute spur) cream-coloured: secondaries ochreous, whitish upon costa, rosy at abdominal border; a black discocellular spot and a broad regular external black border ; fringe cream-coloured : head blackish, with cream-coloured frons, collar pale ochreous; tegulae blackish-brown fringed with pale ochreous; thorax blackish ; abdomen rose-red, with a dorsal row of black dots; anus ochreous ; wings below with all the paler areas broader and pale clear ochreous ; body below pale ochreous, varied with blackish ; anterior femora above carmine. Expanse 1 inch 4 lines. Tasmania. W e have four examples of this species, which Walker confounded with his P. fascinula, as he did also the four following. 6. PHAOS NIGRICEPS, n. sp. d • Allied to the preceding ; primaries black-brown, the base, a furcate streak from the base, the apical two-thirds of costal margin, a triangulated discal stripe, an interrupted submarginal line, and the fringe cream-coloured; base of costa with a tuft of rosy hairs; secondaries rosy, with black discocellular spot, a broad black external border and ochreous fringe ; head and thorax black, collar and anterior margins of tegulae dull buff; abdomen rose-red, with transverse dorsal black bars and lateral black spots: under surface with the pale portions buff; anterior femora above carmine. Expanse 1 inch 6 lines. 2 • Basal furca of primaries only represented by a basal dash and a spot in the cell, discal stripe aud submarginal line much more slender; pale portions below rosy. Expanse 1 inch 4 lines. d • Victoria (Bakewell) ; Sydney (Doubleday). Readily distinguished from P. fascinula by its black head; in marking it is nearer to P. vigens. 7. PHAOS NOTATUM, n. sp. d. Primaries above dark chocolate-brown ; a longitudinal dash from the base to near the middle of the cell, a broad streak from the base to the centre of the inner margin, a subquadrate spot at the middle of the costal margin, a spot below the latter intersected by the origins of the median branches, a curved macular discal stripe, the apical portion of costal margin, the fringe, and a submarginal series of spots (of which the first, second, and fifth are small, the others elongated and extended to the margin) cream-coloured: secondaries rosy with whitish costal area; a large black discocellular spot; a broad irregular black submarginal belt; thorax black, head, collar, and borders of tegulae clothed densely with testaceous hair: body bright rose-red, with black dorsal and lateral spots: under |