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Show 314. ACTS RELATING PartHl. Seét. II. TO THE COLONIES. 335 cution; ‘which is in ufe for felony, al- though it fays nothing of any mode of of bringing offenders over, is a power that profecution, afortz'ori', flill muf't it be un- that of putting them on their trial; if it was not necelTary to be mentioned even in a law at large, to what pnrpofe it lhould have been fpecified in a {hort and general der-flood to eflablilh thefe firft fieps, which are purfuable in every profeeution for felony, where it authorifes by exprefs appointment others that come after them. What infianee, in fhort, is there of a elaufe in any flatute to warrant the arrefi- ing ofa perfon for a felony committed againfi that or any "other flatutc? I verily believe none: certainly not many; yet followed neceflhrily and of courfe, from addrefs, is more than I can fee. And if, however neeelIary, it was formidable and unpopular, I fee not why that {hould‘have been a reafon for bringing it into view. " But the application of the flatute; of " this power, and every thing elfe belong- was it ever thought that for fuch felonies " ing to it, if not illegal, it has been faid, men were not arr-ellable ? " would be harfh and cruel: as ameafnre, ‘ therefore that would not, and perhaps committing treafons in America may be ‘ ought not to be borne, the recommen- arrefted t/u'ru. By the flatute law, viz. by thefiatute we are {peaking of, they may " dation of it was impolitic. Are there " not courts of criminal jurifdifiion in be tried fiery. Was it neeefIary to fay that being to be tried here they {hall be éroug/Iz‘ here? I think hardly. There ," America?--Profecute in them."-"Pro- would be no end of legiflative babbling, felf to put on paper; beeaufe the paper if men Inuit be eternally fpeeifying What {hews no blulhes. is necelliu‘ily implied. fhould be able to fay this in a firm tone, i "‘ fecute in America for the treafons of " America!" This a man may bring him- 8 of ' l l By the commOn law, therefore, perfons lfthis power then ..'. .-mnm\1 ,- But that any man and but mlm |