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Show [ I90 J farmer ctr/Jury has cited them without the leaf! animadveriion ! The principles whereby " arg'fimdammta/ Lmu Oi‘thc RCaIm " is altered," the fame would manifeltly endanger the ucl‘: (I mufi repeat it) of" any judges that were im" '; ‘ ,1? mall/IIHM‘. w.7 *A' prudent enough to enforce them, notwithltand ing that the exprefs Authority of King, Lara'x, and Cam/La m, fhould be alledged as their {ufiicient warm-tit; becaufe we find that the M: flutbarily afforded no juflification or excufe for poor Empfon and Dudley, in a flmt‘lar m/i, neither did the ct nfideration of their having acted by far/iwnw/my Jul/JOHIJ' render their wretched fate more pitiahle in the eyes of the public! And there‘fore I fincurcly with that all modern Time-firm" may have prudence enough to form (by that plain example) {ome rcafonable judgement concerning the imagin ary " Omnipotent: qf Par/iammt," which cannot inl'ure its wretched votaries from the molt ignominious punifh . ment! nor fecure even 16: Parliament z‘I/Elf from the, jufl and lafliiig Cenfures of the Sages of our Law, {uch as Lard Cake, for inftzmcc, who warned them in amother place, Ilfo, exprel'sly upon this point: - " B} " [aloz/r (y‘rwbir/J Aid," (Fays he, meaning the {aid unjufl Aét of 11 l-lcn. VII.) "fill/i'i/Ig t/Ji: FUNDA" " " " MENTAL LAW," (the Law of Juries,) " it i: 710! rmz'z't'v/c' "LU/NI! HORRIBLE Opmwssxons ant/EXAC'l IONS, 10 {/11} inn/hing Qf/lffllllft' rmmlvtn If people. 'Iu‘rn‘ (or/mirth! 13y Sir Rich. I‘lmplon, Knt. and Edm. " Dudlcy. C‘J'r. and, 11/70}: 1/21} UNJUST and INJU" RIOUS AC'I‘, (m wmmoz/[y in [Mt mfi: it fill/:15 " 01",) a new Oflz‘re qua: z'rn‘hn'," &c. And The Judges, in the 33d year of Queen Elizabeth, who gave their opinion in the cafe of Oruré, (57) the Iri/bmcm, are the more inexcufable, for their Refilution upon the A6: of 33 Hen. VIII. c, 23. becaufc they had an excel/mt Example {ct them, but a few years before that time, by two very learned and refpeé‘table brethren, the Judges Wray and Dyer, (together With the {aid Queen's Attorney-General,) con- cerning feveral fimilar A62: 9f Purim.mcm‘ ; which Example is worthy the mofi: ferious attention ofaJ/juture yud‘gzes, that they may ever be careful to reitraln, by a legal conf'truflion, not only the fB/Id Afis of King Henry VIII. and King. ' Edward " ENDS OF THESE TWO OPPI'TESSORig "3:; he) " flmuld laterre 0217er from commuting (/13 gal"; "in " jbauld ADMONISH PARLIAMENTS; tLEréENI n fiend oflbis ordinary and pretitm: Trml PER ._ [gym/5 " TERRZE, 1/qu bring mat in aé/b/ute andpartm " éng/mtian." 2d Init. p. st. in the next paragraph he aahln, -- " gird :ng FEAR FULL ‘f ENDS (57) 0r ". Omit-A." Sec 3d1nfl. p. 1:, margin, |