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Show lr r _, . 51(10th ' [ 68 iii [ 69 ] thor, we may, of courfe, prefixme to be fued) didn‘ot efieem it equitable to de- the very heft that could have been pro- duced for that purpofe; efpecially fince bate " upon the State of tbe [aid Land,"- ("fuper flatu terrae pradiétze,") without fome legiflative reprefentation there- he mentions it as " one example for " many ;" and yet, happily for the truth, this " one example for many" proves nothing {0 much (when duly confidered) as the direct contrary to his affertion, about finding " words," 6cc. of: But, befides this " one example for " all," Sir Edward Coke has given us alfo, in the fame page, a memorandum, Ire/and " by [pea-2a! from the Parliament Rolls of the 35th of Edw. III,(13) of Writs being ifl‘ued for it amounts to even to Peerejfes, an who, in their own right, held lands in Ireland, and of thefe implied acknowledgment, upon pool/o re- cord, of the injui'tice of pretending to " bind the Subjcfis of Ireland " without fend Reptefentatives, or proper perfons, to their exprefs confent; being, in reality, confer with the Parliament; " ad mit- a copy of the King's Writ (before- " tendum fidc dignos ad colloquiumf mentioned) to fummon the No/z/es of Ireland "to the Parliament at Weft- And no lefs than nine, to fummon them to fAnno 3;, E. 3. de concilio fummonit. " minfler, More to treat with the No" bles, 83°C. of his Kingdom upon the " State of tbefizz'a' Land," 2'. e. Ireland. Thus it is plain that the Englifh Legit- lature, even {0 early as in the Reign of Edward II. (by whom the Writ was iffued,) pro terr. habentibus in Hibernia. Maria Comitiflh Norf. [Elianora Com. Orrin] jana la Defpencer, Philippa Com. de la (13) Rot.Parl.35.l Marche, E. 3. irrot. fic. l johanna Fitzwater, AgnesCom.Penbroke, M» Margaretta dc Roos, Matildis Com. Ox- onizc, LCatherina Com. At‘nol. ad mittendum fide dignos ad colloquium. |