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Show l I56 l [ l57 ] monl'trate the infuflicienev and {Kilian/Fm own doublet,) as " in the year 1650," . u « i i 0;L- the P/mu'mrs "i which have been \ erred to Juftity the fatalprez'm/fan of England to govern Irv/2751!, and the other Colonies, without the Rep/'35iteration and 11/)"; to which this learned writer has refer- red us ; finee the authority of the nami- mzl Legiflature in 1650 was entirely illegal, as well as that in 1653, both of jem‘ of the refpeétive inhabitants; for we them having been let up and maintained might as well entiun'e " what would (K 7 ' hate i been the anlwer of the Eng/[[11 by the fame unconfiitutional arbitrary " Lexi S/YZ‘W" a" . 1n ' the year 1‘653, * " (when of the indifpenfable Reprfflwz‘az‘im of the ‘w/JO/L' Legz/[amrr was comprifed the people : for though the wretched re- Within the narrow compafs of Ctomwell's mains of the Long-Parliament in 1650 (being about 80 Reprefentatives or Mem- power; and both of them totally void 0W1} bers, inflead of 5:3 that had been e(\iwth the-mother-country, and a continuance of that Bite conlhtutional fubjeétion, to 1/22 Crown of Great- leéted (52) at the beginning of that Parliament) rzmm, which 13 the true interefl of all parties ' as it Conlnects every branch of the empire, and infures mu' 3:4 confidence and proteftion again lt fomgn enemies ) {f at no perfons whatever he allowed the rank of Oji ugljéfiiihany of their provmcml Regiments of Mi/i/ia, Mm s t e) havea competent fortune, either in Lama/01' mTrey, to enable them to live comfortably, without 1 11 ,aiy - qul' m ‘lell they {hould ever enter u . - n - 1 r) r . tain a fljmrate many; rem that of the Public, and like tl e 6 ~ rate Jill/[Ila und e.- C rmnw I: t ell, , ,'%, their 1 connt .eécn "040 e- rv' ‘.\ L11 4 (ammo): fill/xtg'a-lll'mx is not promrl for ft that . .filth/" ‘3 r Y.my; litild (for Inch F l is) I it i ls,y {:om tiiilc qua lie his l nation in life, or as the mafier eta {aem:'l"J, he has {CHIC permanent intereli in the welfare of [2 1e commuDig)" (52) " Ainfi ce Parlemt‘nt, qui dans {on commence" ment avoit été compolé du Roi, d'une Chambre d'en‘ viron fix-vingts Seigneurs, et d'une Chambre des " Communes, 011 ll y avnit ([717 am trcizeDE/mtrz, {e vit " reduit 51 une Chambre des Communes compofée (I'm" rviron quatre-ruing/r Mimflm, dont il y en avoit his pen " qui, au commencement de ce Parlement, " cinq-cens livres {tel-ling dc rente. ‘ ‘ " " membres, quoiqu'en le nom de Par/iammt, dans leur corps, le refidé dans le Roi, " Communcs. eufl'ent Cependant ces fi petit nombre, s'attribuoient et agillbit comme ayant réuni, pouvoir qui avoit auparavant dans les Seigneurs, ct dans les Cela pourroit paroltre fort étrange, u 5 |