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Show [ xxxii ] his own language; and thefe fame xxxiii ] [ Elements and their fupreme incontrover- tible authority being once known and acknowledged, it is very eafy, in gene‘ ral, for any Man of Common Smfi' tO ‘ difcern,by comparifon,what is contrary ‘ and repugnant thereto ; fOr THE LAW ‘is compared to a RULE, or RIGHT ‘ LINE,-- " Lox cfl Lima Refiz',"--by _‘ which every thing that is oblique, crooked, ‘ tranfverfi', or difi‘erentfror‘n‘that RIGHT ‘ LINE is eafily known to the meanef'c ‘ capacity; and therefore, in the Law, " the RIGHT LINE 2': always to be " PREFERRED," "Lima "'54 femper " pm'ferlur trmzfuerjfalz'." CO. Lib. IO. b. ‘ And from hence it arifes, that ‘ the adjectives, OBLICLUE, CROOKED, ' TRANSVERSE, 59%. which have no im- ‘ moral fignification when applied to ‘ material fhapes and figures, are neverthelefs ODIOUS IN LAW, which is well Obferved by the great Sir Ed- ‘ward Coke.' " Refium" (fays he) "is a proper and fignificant word for " the R I G H T anzl that any hath; " WRONG, or INJURY, is in French " aptly called TORT, becaufe INJURY " and WRONG is WRESTED or CROOKL‘ E D,‘ " ED, being contrary to that which is " Rig/2t (2721/ Sing/Jf," €56. (‘ See, in ‘ the margin below, the remainder of this ‘ Remark (:8). ‘ But when great Nations become too ‘ fubfervient tO one, or a flag individuals, ‘ either by the corruption or total exclu- ‘ lion ()fpopzrlzzr Rrprg/sz‘afz'orz, in their re‘ fpeétive Legiflatures, thcygencrailyfeem to lofe all tenth of Rig/3f and "fro/"lg, all comma/'2 Hone/[yin their political meafu res, as it they thought the command of an earthly fuperior would be a filflicicnt ' warrant for them to let afide THE ETERNAL LAW, and {O perpetrate the molt abominable actions with impunity. How ‘ thall we aCCOunt for [rich wret ‘i'ltirl e ‘ time- (18) ~--- " Now the LAlV, that is" (trays Sir lid» ward Coke) " LINEA RECTA y] [am/'2‘; at o/v/x'r/«r'. " And Brim" faith that TORT A LA Lair EST criN" TRARIE, and as aptly for the cattle :it‘mct‘nitl i3 1N, " jURY, in Englifh called WRONG. And PULL " RlA is derived from in and jus, becaule it in can" trary to RIGHT, {0 as a fair: tori is fizrtr'e trium, " and Firm faith, rfl awe/22 JUS PUBLICUM er vitr- " VATUM quad ex naim‘alzlmr pram/29"; mz/ Grimm, " (mt tic/NM", :fl rc/irflxrm, rt q:ror1'z/1jrzrt jiffy/o iii-J " apprl/atrm 11/ z'rz/rge Anglia: RFCTUH (1/1} 1/ " And in the [lIH'I'DI‘ and Other places of tire Law lL‘ " is called DROl'l‘, as Drtorr D1: up: 1), Lbs Liz-t: fr- "fem/eI/J." 1 Inll. lib. 2. c. 12. p. :58. The Liz't two words, however, ought rather to hive Linen EU?» dercd the Law fov‘lziz/zlz't/J, than " [/19 Low r/g/mxl‘ifr," becaufe the Englilh Verb (lo/E21] is very teldmn rite-.1 2:1 the Senle which Sir Edward Coke mum: to :>:pr;:;. |