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Show [ 8'2 ] [ 83 l " time to time came to be of force in " Ireland," and it is undeniable, that the [rt/I) Parliament have in general firms which were {0 diametrically oppofite to his own quit-princrples ; though indeed no danger whatever can thought it neceflhry to examine, and to authenticate by the exprefi aflm‘ of their own allemblies, fuch Eng/z'fla Statutes as they judged proper to be admitted as Jufhfy fuch condué‘t, {ince " honefty is always" (molt Law within their own Ifland; of Which the certainly) " the belt policy." Neverthelefs, not on- ly SerJeant Mayart's anfwer acknowledges Sir Richard 315 the author of the Declaration; but Mr. Mollyneux m 1:. 48, and 49, cites a marginal note of Sir Richard s, (when he was Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequerin Ireland,) which he hadaffixed in his Edition of the Irilh Statutes, Stat. 10 Henry VII'. c. 22. to the following purport ; rtflmb/iug the fubfiance of the Declaration, attributed to Sir Rich. Bolton, 771qu more than the argument of Mr. Darcy, "viz. " That in the L‘ 133th of Edward the Second, by Parliamen t in this " eahmfof Ireland, the Statutes of Merton, made the " {:32 0 Henry the Second, and 1/9: Statute: ofMal- " éehmafle 1/26 5 may" Henry t6: 7751'er ; 11;: Sta/at: " :7]: .e [minder t/xr jzr/z', made 11;: 3d of Edward 1/}: Sir Richard Bolton has produced a great variety of examples (20), {ome general, ' M 2 and 0‘ Statute war made again in tlye 2915 (f Henry tbe Sixth. f‘ Thyé Statute: are not (0 52 found in tbe Rolls, nor any " Parliament Roll oft/mt time : but 122 (Sir Richard "‘ Bolton) bad fem 1/2e flzme exemplified under the great " Seal, midi/ye exemplifies-don remaimt/J in the Trtafiny " (free city of Waterford." Mollyneux's Cafe of Ire. land, pp. 48 & 49. " {V233, £12 Statute of Gloucefier, made 1/75 6r/2 szd" z] e Fzrfl; malt/it Statute ofWeltminfter tin fi- (20) " But fuch Statutes, as have been made in " England fince the 11th of King John, and areirttra" duflary and poflliwe, Ina/ting new Lat-wt, or (my way: " altering, adding zmto, or dz'ttzz'tzif/Jizzg t/Je ancient Com- " (021d, emu/3‘15: i311: of Edward 1/12 Fir/2, were a/lcmia "firmedm'this dingdom, (Ireland ,~) mzdafl flf/JN‘ Sta- " man Laws, have not been binding or any ways of " force in Ireland1 until fuch time as they have been 19 n It :xmazlmed m 2116 next Parliament ;, and/27 marry at rwtl‘c‘ " tail. engraved andpaé/i/bm', Ioflamd liémut'fl far Laru'i " m t/m Klaga'm.‘ And in trig 1026 of Henry the Fowl/J " 21:ch- rw/azr/y cwm't offbrce in England were rte/fired " enacted, allowed, and approved of, by Act of Par" liament in Ireland; as may appear by the judge- " 1:: sun: mailed m 152‘: Kings/0m 5f Ireland, That the, ‘.':h?tu£- " Statutes of Merton and Marlebridge, made in the "11:5 " ments of nine Parliaments holden tbere, viz. in 1/7: "‘ 132/; qudward II. in a Parliament in Ireland, the s made in England lhould not be of force in " time of Henry 111. and the Statutes of Weflminfier ~mgdom, Iunlei's they were allowed and pub- " ill, and of Weltminlter 2d, and the Statute of Am! tbe Me t" Gloucefier, made in the time of Edward Inwere ‘- " 6‘ confirmed il th in this Kingdom by Parliament. " Statute |