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Show I 86] I 87 ] examples notlefs in number than eighteen, uniform fenfe of the Irij/a Parliament upon which furely‘h are {ufiicientto prove the uniform this point in every age fince they received the Englz'fl; Law. ‘ Of "film the maliizgof‘the Statute of VVeIlminfter 2d. which lands; but this law was not received in Ireland until it was enaéted there in 33d Hen. VIII. ml. 1. chap. 7.-An Act was made in England in Anne 31, Hen. VIII. chap. 1. that joint tenants, and tenants in common, fhould be compelled to make par~ ":within the {aid Rea/m y'Eng/mml, concerning or delug- " " " " " "~ ing to the comma" orfurl-ll: twee/a qf'tlwe fame, fim thence"fortl: flmuld be deemed good and efl'eé‘tual in the " it was enacted there in 33d Hen, VIII. SetT. i. chap. f‘ was in 13th Edw.'l. But afterwards, 10th "‘Hen. VII. ‘0 22. it Was cnaéted in a Parliament in "Ireland," (this is one of-the Acts commonly called Poining's Aé‘ts,) "that allStatutes then lately made " law, and over that accepted, nfed, and executed " within the land of Ireland at all times requifite, ac" cording to the tenor and ‘gfefl qf tbe‘fame; andarver t/mt " 53; the Minority aforefaz'd, Mat Inky, and every qf them, " be aulljorifid, proceed, and-confirmed in the faid [and of ." Ireland. . ' " By all which Statutes, made from time to time in " Ireland, it plainly appeareth, 1174! all Statute: made in " Englanddefine 1016 Hen. VII. concerning or delonging 12! " the public and ammonfwealt/J ofEngland, are made to be " of force, and to detome larwr in Ireland. In " 21R Hen..VIII. chap. 7. an Aét was made in Eng" land, that makes it felony in a '{ervant that runneth " away with the goods of his matter or miflrefs; and u this Aft was not received in Ireland until the fame " Fwd: enefltdéy a Parliament bolder: in Ireland in 33d " Hen. VIII. Sell. 1. chap. 5.--In 21R Hen. VIII. " chap. 19.-T.here was a law made in England, that " all Lords might difirain upon the lands of them " holden for their rents and fervices, and to make their " avowries, not naming the tenant, but upon the " lands .1 " tition; which A& was not received in Ireland until " lo.---In 27th Hen. VIII. chap. [0. the Statute of " Ufes was made in England, for transferring ot‘Ufcs " into poerflion; which Statute was never received, " nor of force in Ireland, till the fame was cnat :d in " Ireland, 10th Car. x. chap. 1.----So lilwwia‘c, 32d " Hen. VIII. chap. 1. a Statute was cnaftcd in Eng; " land, whereby it is direé‘ted, how lands and tene~1 " ments may be difpofcd by will,and concerning ward" " " " (hip, and primer feizins; which Statute was never received, nor of force in Ireland, until it was enacted by Parliament in Ireland, in 10th Car. I. chap" 2.-In Anno ill Eliz. chap. 5. there was an AEL " made in England for the uniformity of the Com. " men-Prayer, and Adminiltr‘ation of the Sacraments; " which Aél was not received in Ireland, until the lame " was confirmed and efiablifhed by Parliament in Anna " 2d Eliz. c. 2.--In Anuo 5th Eliz. c. 9. there was an " Act of Parliament made in England {Or the painilh" ment of wilful perjury ; which Act was not Offers: " in Ireland until the fame was mailed by a Parlia" ment in Ireland, in 28th Eliz. chap. |.-An0ther " Afl was made in England in Anno 3d Eliz. chap. :2. I " ion |