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Show [ 1‘82 ] ‘3 land," without leaving room for pleading a legal exception, in behalf of thofe l 18‘3 l‘ lat cafes wherein they may LEGALLY" he territories wherein the laws, liberties, enforced, without thwarting any " funda" mental Law of the Realm." and confiitution, of the Realm of Eng- From land were already eftablifhed, the {aid Judges ought to have known that ".afzm" dammm! Late oft/Jr's Rea/m" was there- by " altered," and confequently that they incurred the rifl; of being HANGED, by {omc future adminiftration, (like their tz'me-ji‘rw'ng pr'edeceffors,) for prqfizmz'zzg "lulu/Hurt .‘m‘v v: ‘-‘ "Y "‘.-‘}_ ‘A-r" I-"l | "IN" N I .7 to enforce fuch rrrzrozflz'z‘zrziwzal A67: 9}" Parliament, by which, (according to the he might [egg/5: and :onflirmfima/[v he punilhed according to the letter and mcmizvg of the {aid A615 ofl'arlia-» ment; and alto that any other Britilh Subject whnttbever, that-is, in like manner, gui/{y of ‘Ti‘myézz to hisKing and Country, during his refidencc in a. foreign, realm, may be treated accordingly; becaufe all men. any {ugh certainly areaccountable to their country {or foreign the in tried be cannot Treafon; and, as they is reuit ed, committ were oli‘cnces the where realms, fonable and jult to fuppofe, that they may he tried; u e, in England, by an impartial jury, though the fame impannelled d: 13/- not " "rig/Maw: to the flier," nor on aformer fact, viz. t I H. 7.) " afim~ " delineate/Law Oftbe Realm ( WaS)a/terad;'f the oil tineta, that is, from the neighbourhood where it; lnnce circuml this fence was committed; for, though other every in jury {fa tfintialijv nereflmy to the Lew/:23» and it cafe, yet the law does not require impaféi/iritr, when quip}, ni/frrx/Ed Agni/y be s) (perhap e may therefor whereas,they reallymight haye attributed the cafe, that fuch it is apparent, from the nature of a conltitutional meaning to the {aid Acts, due to the 'l‘rai. an exemplary punithmcnt is martil‘cflly ju/Z Remark of the jézme great Reporter _by duly diftinguithing thofe ( 56) particu« lar faégfi) {:hiyogiiht :ave alledged, that if arr ambiti> ' t is mgdom to France, Spain or 10 any othenforergn State, out of 1/18 Dominion: of the imPenal-Crown ofGreat-Britaiu, fhould notorioufly betmy his King and Country, and plot their Deflru étion. he , and yet thee" an unexceptionable ] ury cannot he ubminci and other oftot or Traitors: but when Tray"; :m/[r nix.» domifences are committed in any country the crimintls where m'an of the Crown of England, t0 the law: cf (15:; might have a Irgal Trial according of realm, (as in Ire/a711,) the laid my} (flint/£21_/Z71';I.:(ti'it} ed ditpenf be being tried by 2 Jury «it 'Z'it‘f'hM cannot unan of Subject the with; becaufe this would deprive mmztal Lnrw oftlu': dfiermfde Right, and (1/15? a "fznxdt " I‘m/m," |