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Show l [ 155 l appears by the event, not only the fov-e~ my, (50) and of permitting a mafia/ml reign executive Power, but alfo the full Ali/lilo to become inch, (51) as to de- and fupreme legz'flatz've Power of the Re- X 2 monllrate public, or three united Kingdoms, for a (go) 'I might have faved myfelf much trouble, upon {il ll certain time) (49) fliould reflde in one this point, had I been aware, when I wrote the fore- jug/e perfilz, namely, their own iizz'lltzzry goirg pages, that the danger of keeping flan/ling Annie; had been lb well enforced by Mr. (Qincy, in his Ob- Commander, General Cromwell, whom they invef'ted with the title and power of Protector of the three Kingdoms. I have thus far purfued the hiltory of and fenfible Writer has very judicioufly collected-4: number of unquel‘tlonable examples upon the lubjeft, which, together with his own pertinent obfervations upon them, demand the molt ferious attention not only thofe arbitrary times, as well to (hew ofevery loyal Englilh Subjeét, at this time, but of all friends to mankind in general. i "-Mrllmmmh if .‘ -22; the danger of keeping aflmm'z'ng A'rmy, DE LA Rsrcauqye rrfa'eroit DANS UNE SEULE PERsonm-t, (Weir, dans celle d'Olivier Cromwell, General liar xlrméer d'Angleterre, d'Ecoll'e, et d'Irlande; et qu'il auroit is titre de Proteflcur de: Iroz‘r Rajmmzex, ct qu'il feroit afiil‘té d'un confeil de 21 perfonnes." Rapin, Tome ix. p. 64. (49) Hz. from the if} Dee. £653, to the 73.. Sept. 16.54, as appears by the ill and 8th Articles of what this militmy COL-ncil were pleafed to call " an AM? If " Gawrmmzt," thereby proving their own ufurpation of the J't'J/‘II'N/‘li‘ [rgg/S'arz'w rim/Early; which Authority they were afterward-s pleafed to lodoe in the flu It perjbzz of their (Jr/rural, by the 7th andOSth Articlcfof the {aid " 1513' ofGa-vtzwzzzmi." lbid. p. 64. fervations on the Bolton Port Bill. 'l‘hat ingenious (5 l) The example of military Tyranny, which [have already recited, demonf'trates the great danger of peral)leiit, mitting any part of a national Illilitia to be longer than is abfolutely necell‘ary, from the particular for, (azmry or (Ii/Inf? to which it properly belongs; P0" their upon depend to begin a-Men Militi as as lbon regular 'or " Sallie," "' infiead of their hula/22y and the home, they daily employments which they followed at y, male to be the conflitutional defenders oftheir countr aries: Mercen or ") Sty/dais (" Saldlzr: mere and become pains and therefore, as it is now reported that great Ameriean Coare, at this time, taken, in the feveral the Mi/i/ix, of ine difcipl t ancien the 'lonies, to renew of great in their refpeé‘tive provinces, it is a matter l happinel's ‘conl‘equence, ‘(as well for their own inter/m union and liberty, as for the prefervaticn of peace and with 4‘ " Difliamair: milinirt," 9. AU |