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Show WWII/ll! II l 169 l [168] afrertion, as void of Law and {ctr/m as it was really of Efifi; which is proved by " film ANSWER oft/3e Engli/b Legf/lm ~" fare," at Virginia, (then reptel'entin‘gr Z [be by Legiflature, in the two Acts abovementioned, that the King fhould ever fummon any Parliament :2: all, they mull necefliarily be underl‘tood to mean a 11.414} Parliament on all occafions; z'. e. not only that the regular l'arliaments, which they ordained " to be holden CVCI')'}L'ar " mm," {hould be new Parliaments, but thofc alfo that Ihould be {ummoned upon any extraordinary unforefeen occafitns; which is {ufliciently exprcfl'ed in the lit of the {aid Acts, by the words, " main/ore nflm, " ifmcrd In." The meaning of the Act is Hagar/lim- afi/y proved by the actual ill'uing of writs, to the She- rifl‘s, for electing Knights, Citizens, Q7}. for /~£L'0, three, and fometimes four new Parliaments, 231 one year, as mentioned abov" : And if any perlon ll ould enormous evil, the rctardment of bufinefs, by undue Returns, will not (I may venture, without the fpirit of prophecy, to afiert) be remedied by the i1,;‘~w Riga- lation for that purpofe. The Commons were never (in ancient times of Freedom) elleemed the proper Judges of their own lilcc‘tions, but the King alone, that is, in his Iz'mi/edjutlicial capacity, by his jullices and his {worn Juries, in the Courts of Common-Law. If my countrymen will {erioufly confider all theft: points, they mull be convinced that the only {me method of healing the alarming dillcmpcrs of our political Conllitution" is to rellore to the people their ancient and jnlt Right to elect a mu; Parliament, " (-72:23! _)'mr once, and mare q/I/m if um/ h," what- Li/t‘t‘k‘z'w/r mull be at- loevcr judge Blackllone may think oi" it l No Parliament ebuld have any right to deprive the tended with infuperable difliculties and inconveniences, people of this ineftimable Law, nnlcl‘s the chrcl‘cnta- we may quote the experience ofall ancient times, as afording ample and {uflicient proofs to the contrarv ; tives had exprefsly confulted their refpeé‘tive eonllituents upon it; as the alteration west of too mucl :mL ment to be intrufied to the dilcrction of any [Bi-furfium/iqm or Drpzm'er whatlioever, being infinitely more objet‘t, that l‘ucll awry fi‘gqm'u! " there being not above two or three cafes of ttlcCLions " auellioned, or complained of, from 49 llen. lll. " till 22 Edw. 1V." (that is, more than :30 years.) " for ought that appears by the Retornes or l';.rlia" " " " important than " any new (Km/ire, moved on the King's " behalf, ment-Rolls, and nor so MUCH AS ONE DOUBLE RETORNE 0R anEN'ruttE, wherewith all the hm: Bundles, 0r Writs, are llored, and the liouie of Commons and [we Committees of Privileges pe - " l'z'z. the cnmmom national D:bt ; the numerous Penfions ; the {wrist parliamentary lnfiuent‘" ; '1 {landing Army 01' not 100 Bitt-lion: of Foot, helities anl \, In aim: or l'edce l Gr. (:2. ('53:. " tcrcd, perplexed, to the great rmzm'jmiof the rnd inlieturc, or finally li»\ l‘ i ill-1W Ul‘ vmh glowing bruzberu, if " more weighty public zil‘htirs of the Kingy :iiitl Kin"- " clam." l‘rynne, lltevii Par}. Rediv. p.01 37. This b there tutal litmptoms of the llllll dangerous [ilvllrftal twijivny/H'on are rmt l'm-cdily l'l|1_Li§l .1 mil ihmun Lfl', h‘, the wlml-{v‘me prelitriptions '~\lll(ll innit render the If ' i'Kl I'r'fun'y of individuals precartuul .f z. [m and '02 z! '-,‘ ~Anrfr-.';:'f¢xv "f To; Fear: K. CllCl'llL US |