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Show l7] l 6 .l " the precipice." (4) of tbe Paella, as well as of the King) can pofiibly commit. But, notwith- therefore, that the confiitutional govern- ment of England, even 'with all its defefis, is infinitely better than any other fianding the Inequality of the Englifh Reprefintatiorz, It is manifeft‘, and the various means form of government whereby the people praétifed to corrupt it, yet it has been the principal infirument of preferving amongf't us thofe remains of natural Libe"), which we [till enjoy in a greater are deprived of their juf'r (bare in the lee gill-ature; (5) fo that the Inequality of Repre/ealatiou in this ifland affording )U . proportion than molt other kingdoms, and has occafioned more examples of juf'r retribution on Tyrants, Traitors, and . , . (4) " Cyefi quc dam un Gowmemcm M W " celui d'Angleterre, tous les efforts quelc Souverain " fait pour ufurper un pouvoir abfolu font autant de Court-Favourites, 1n the Englllh annals, " pas qui le conduifent versle précipice." Tome 3; than the hif'cory of any other nation af- Li" X' P- 329- fords ; {0 that M. Rapln IS thereby led (5) The celebrated Chancellor Fortefeue all'erts, that to Concludc his account Of ‘K. Richard IL 3 limited or politic Government (like that of England) . f t . (th I parliaments) O a no orlous corrupter is infinitely more eligible, for the interefi and fatiffaition even 13/ t/ae Prince Inn/5y, than an abfolutc re- and enemy to the privileges of London gal power: -- " Nonjugumfla'lz'éemu ell politicé and . Other Corporations) . Wlth the {01" " regere populum; flan-5m: quoque maxima nedum " plebi, fed ET IPSI REGI ; alleviatio eriam non mi- mg, " That to rule lowmg refleé‘tlon: " That, in a govern- " nima folicitudinis {um 9' " " the people by Government politic is 710 Yale, but " Liner-t}, and great/erm-z'ty, nor only to the fubjeéts, ment {UCh as that Of England! a" the " efforts that the Sovereign makes, to u . ufurp an abfolute authority, are {0 :‘ Inany RCPS Wthh lead him towards (K _ the " but aljb to the King him/If; and further, no {mall " li g htenin g or eafemcnt to his c h'rrve a a . " ( De Laud. Leg. Angl. cap.34, p. 78.) Sothatthofe politicians, ‘wh‘o plead the-neceflity of fecuring, at any‘rate, amajOrlty in parliament, to vore impliculy for whatever the |