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Show [' xxvi ] [ Xxvii ] tendered~ (from timeto time) to thereon.- fideration and acceptance of mankind) 3met-310 the reafon and finfis of mankind, proves by comparative demonf'tration, that involuntary popular Aflmt, the only true the MAXIMS OF THE FOREIGN CIVI- LIANS, whereby they fet up the mere WILL of fallible earthly Princes as LAW, (viz. $251051 Primz'pz' placuit bale: Wyn/72., Legis.--Stet pro rations ruolzmtos. €36. fubf'tituting WILL for REASON,) are: foundation of all "valid Compmfils; and that the {aid Laws have accordingly been IMPlOUS AND UNJUST; fince even the ALMIGHTY SOVEREIGN OF: THE UNIVERSE, to whole WILL a.- lone {uch deference is jZf/llj due, hath not. f0 dealt with his creature Man, enforcing his "fill for his Reafon; but, on the con-» trary, hath mercifully condefcended to convince us (his frail mortal fubjeé‘ts) that. that his Laws might be confirmed by a {olemnly ratified, and voluntarily accept- ed by the people, in two mutual Com- poé‘z‘s, or Covenants, (commonly called the bid and New Teftaments,) whereby not only the People are bound on tbez'rpart, but even the ETERNAL KING HIMSELF is conditionally bound alfo on bi: part to the performance of the mo/l glorious Promi/ér .' '( I 6j d 2 And (16) The promil‘es ofnGod are made to all mankind (without exception) who receive and keep his .Co‘venant ; REASON is his WILL, and that he. {0 that every true believer, -bevhis rank in life ever {0 hath limited (if I may be allowed fuch an exprefiion) even his own infinite Power by the eternal rules of Jufiice and Righteoufnefs, which, (our own natural. mean, ‘is undoubtedly capable of becoming " an a- Rea/on teaches us,) can never fail! and " dopted Son of God *;"-" A temple of God," bytthe inward dwelling of his Holy Spirit'f: -- " An heir of " falvarion{1;"-" a joint lm‘r :wit/J Chi/111;" antlil a 'l‘ -- "That we might receive the adoptionnffom," (faid the Apofile to the Galatians ;)"‘ and, hecaufe y: arefonx, God hath fen‘t therefore, as true Freedom confifis in the " forth the Spirit of bis Son into your hearts, crying Abba, Fatber.' certainty of known Laws, {0 the molt perfoc‘i‘ Lloerty muf't necefiarily fubfifl: ‘Gal. iv. 5. 6. -- hlKrtow ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that " the Spirit of God d-wel/ttb in you ? lfany man defile the temple of under the Government of the Almigbty; who has appealed by his prophets from time to time, in the molt afiefiing manner, ‘" Cad, bim flu]! God drflroy : lot the Tom/1k ofGod is holy, which . " temple-ye are." 1 Cor. iii. 16.17. See alfo 2 Cor. V1. 16. I ---- "That the Gentiles lhould be fillo'zo-I'Jein, and of the " fame body, and pat-takers of his promife in Chrifl by the Gofpel. hp h . iii . 6 . . v ,T? 1] ----- " If children, then heirs; .l'lcn'S of God, and Jan? " Hun wn'n Cnnxsr." Roman: Vlllrl'7. |