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Show Will-IIINMII'.' "in I Illlul |h [ 188 [ 139 l ]' applicable (for the very fame reafon) to: the Refoluti'onsbeforementioned, of" ALL " TH‘E JUDGES IN ENGLAND," though (5f the Lord Coke himfelf (even tbe'autbor former (K MB or any other perfons, who prefume to enforce it ; for all men (and judge: in particular) ought to rake warning, flretch that notorious Injuflr'ce to the utmofl extent of inconvenience and injury that a wicked imagination can poflibly conceive or exprefs '. that is, to eflablifh a Power of removing the Caufes and Trials (and even thofe which are of the molt importance, ruiz, for capital offinm) not only to a neighbouring Camry, or to a more diflmt Colony, but even, if caprice {hould require it, to the furthermoft extent of the Globe, that is, (without aggravatinn,) as far as (be Err/i r'r fiom {be W11}! » Or, 4thly, if we may conceive the idea of an Aa calculated to " fulfil tbr M‘ajtrre qf Iniguity," let us fuppofe an Aft exprefsly for the purpofe or' eflablilhing the arbitrary Laws of France, (" Quad " Printi‘bi Placid! babe! 'w'garcm Legit," 35c. (to my Profit: there- u;on,) and. in order that it may he dcflruflivc to (be Sou/r, as well as the Bodin and Property, of the wretched Subjeé‘ts, (as I have al- rcudy lhewn,) Ir-i' us fuppofe that ample provifion is made therein for the Efla/w/yomsn! (not the mere 'I‘olerarion) of downright Ida/arr} and Image-K3955]; I for the Tolerution of the m4 ('t notorious Exox- ctsMs (" ExarlrL/iflmxfilgr/(E ;" - " Exorcifmum Sta/ix." -- " Ex" omfa re, trraturrr Sail: ;" - ee the Mimi) and SPIRITUAL Wt'reucrzarr l In Him", let ut fuppofe that fuch an A& provider for the Eliahlifhmcnt of that adulterated Religion which haslong been perpl'xcri with all the Enthul'nfm of harbor: ignorance, (long Page"! roam Rrjruftfom. " a: I/rr Hauler. rig") and hears the molt apparent marks of {fluidity}, inlomueh that we might be certain, at leafi, who was the firll jprriruu/ lnfllgator and Promoter of flacha Bil], though the Lad/{v l'ropoll-r of it {hould be lucky enough tovemztin undifcmercd l Who {hull pre'l‘ume to fay, rba: an} Power on Earrb (whatforver weuk and ignorant men may think of the Omnipo- tenre of Parliament) has Authority- or Right, either to eflablif‘n IuChnotorious {piritual Abominations, or to render [artful {lull grol's lniquity and palpable Injut't'tr ' e twotime-l'ervers, ing, (from " the fearful and of thof anaéhve obedienree iuch that " Dudley and Empfon,") mun nit/CI .' would, perhaps, endanger their For {patio}: decked wrt "t1; 2dly, that fuch an Aét was to he " 7; call it, for :nflance, molt flattering title; let us TINC [lie gomrrgmemno‘l ULA " Ail/hr tine BETTER REG ": 3dly: let it 1:13 any particular province; or, ‘ ARllAL AD " Anflflfor THE MORE IMP am 1'1: (/13 (aflr ofFPhj ‘ TRATION OF jUSTlCE, IN THE insert; zlmn 12} {15222 m7: may for « qmflianed r the huffinflwf ff rattan " TION OF THE LAW, orfo fuppole fuch an "Hung-[IS " Tumultr," &c. or, 4thly, led " An Aflfor ma mfg and unlawful Aft lhould be intit n nor. THE Govern} " MOM; EFFECTUAL pnovrsro Es'r. yet, l ar provmce, " MENT or" any particul jultly remarked)~ of any i" rbe Purrvierw" (as Lord Coke rend, in 117:: :xetutwn‘, torr- fuch imaginary Aéts {hould " thefe fpecrous pretences, all RO" to " trary 5.x. DLA. MET , bl , b ellablilhing fet forth m their titles and pream 65 Y principl" . . J _ «film: and (Emil/5" is hFrgéngrfuiii: 1' Though " {be Suppeflim Daren: a {Is Pntrnnczs in the, as one of u the fair flattering" . "1:.de Aft of Parliament, yeti]: imaginary above-mentioned of their?"j rffcsftua would he the molt that the wicked At? irftlf .mqfeVitamins-21%. 1H1 for devifed could potfibly have been Timultri { ‘or ""1" Law "Jr": SUPYREESION, cf Rims and mm, and Makers otb‘ue‘n an" i135 quentlv, none but the Promoters "TV"n-T") . be efleemed accoun a .e could; with any propriety, "I; .. Pm] makes Tm: Starr: (or 4 F‘v‘rn to a maxim, that " He , , . rut flat 11/: fund, " who fir]! ajfmdr" -- " airgiyrimum Leg. et qumt. p. 92- |