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Show unit-murmur" , , [99] I 98 ] Liberty, and all the Immunities and Be- nefits of the Eng/[flu Common Law, as the Inhabitants of England themfelves: and yet Lord Coke himfelf, it feems (26), "‘ Conceived" (fays Serjeant Mayart, p. 226.) " that Magoo Charm was not of "‘ force 2'72 Ire/andtill the 10th of Hen. 7. " which is only a millake" (fays he) "of " a matter of {aft 5 for in frat/J wefind" was not aware of this Circumfltance, but (fays he) " that Statute was given to " Conceived" devoured the four Native: as well as the poorer fort oflnin/b Settlers, and thereby occafioned almoft conti- nual Wars for {everal ages; which,. in the end, turned out to their own great peril and difadvantage, accord- " them of Ireland in the firf't year of " Hen. 3. C‘f'c." But though this was only " a mz'fla/ce ()fa mm‘ter quiui‘," yet it was fuch a mif'take as might pro- ing to the never-failing maxim, or rather warning, of the Apoflle Paul ; " [f]! 517: and derzmur am? (mot/Mr, bably, in great mentiure, have occafioned " take heed that ye be not tonfltmed one ofanoI/Jrr." Gal. v. 15. But, though the Irifly were, by this Wrctched PoliCy of the Engli/b, long deprived of the Bent/it of the Engfi/b Common Law, yet this by no means deprived them of theirjufl R131" or Claim to it, which mufl neceflhrily be acknowledged to have been the erroneous opinions ever after, of that due from the time that the Englifh firfl fettled in that Country. great and worthy man, concerning the Confiitution of Ireland. But Serjeant Mayart has not profited (0 much as might have been expected by (26) 2d Infl. p. 2. this knowledge that the Subjeéts of Ire- Livery in particular: hr, in {ht-wing the ill eFf‘cQs of Englifh Deg?ncracy, heremtrlcs in 1‘. 3;. " By t1;is"(£tys he) " it appeareth why [and were honoured with a dif'tinét Char- ter; for, after pointing out (in page 227) " the extortion of (.‘ui'gce and Liv/Hy is called, in the old Statutes of U Ireland, A DAMN/tum: CU‘s‘l ONE, and the impofing and taking the feveral Chapters of the " thrreofmztde IIEg/'r-‘Fu.i,'lm. And IL is find, in an anticnt Dil'courfe" ((3)1,- hr) " of 11w Dewy of INK-1rd, thy, though it were firfl invent' wherein (as he fuppofes) " that Law dif- U ad in Hell, yet, i! it hnd bccu uh'd and pr}.(tifcd there as it hath " been in Ireland. it I‘nnl long (my: du tinned the very Kingd om Of " Beclzebuh." The fame bad elicits are produced, in form: degree. " fers from the antient common Law," 02 he by evtry klnd of V511 \. .,.. ‘.J., or.zv.t. .,..x1n Lam... " c. ' .~ 1'" that the 'wd Policy of eflabllfhinfi 1 «nut. is "t "'0 apparent. Charter, |