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Show [ 80 l [ 8! l pics of the Irilh Parliament being furnmoned to England in both the Reign: forth " how, and by what means the which he has mentioned, thefe Statutes cited by him can afford no teftimony of what he fuppofes, beeaufe the Iriih might probably have been reprejénted in 't/aofe 'uery Parliaments; for which opinion (I have already flaewn) there isfame evidence, and I am notapprehenfive that any evidence (zeal! can be pro duced to the contrary. The fame reply holds good alto, ogainft the molt material exampl es cited m Serjeant Mayart's anfwer to Sir Richard Bolton's Declaration (19), fetting forth " Laws and Statutes of England from M " time thor ofa fimilar argument delivered by him at a. con: ference with a Committee of the Irifh Lords in 164.1. (printed in 1643.) " The conformity" (lays Mr. Harris) " between what is alledged in the Declara‘ " tion, and in Darcy's Arguments, inclines me to think " him the author of that paper." But a conformity in {ubflance between two authors, upon one and the fame 7112110/m/qllt‘fii0n, is very far from affording {o liibfiantial a proof of the real author as the name of Sir R105- m-z.' Ber/um upon one of the manufcripts : Probably the impeachment of Sir Richard Bolton (in the fame year) of High-'1‘realbn, for betraying (in his capacity of Chancellor of Ireland) the Confiitution of that coun- try vf, might be anotht‘r reafon for Mr. Harris's l'uppofition ; but this very contrary behaviour, with which Sir Richard Bolton was charged, does not appear to have been fo much the effect of his private opinion, as of his political ll‘lflf-J/i‘l'fi'J-fig', or yielding, with his brethrcn in Admiuilirznicn, to the arbitrary notions ofLorel Strnli'ortl, the (then) Lord Lieutenant of lreland; or perhaps the dangerous incrcaling powtr ot' the papilla (:9) The learned Editor of thefe tw o Trat‘ts, _(Mr. Harris,) who has publil hed them in his Hibernic a, (printed at Dublin in 177 0,) fuppofes, that Sir R'I ' fzrd Bo/Ion was ml the aut hor of this Declaration :1th informs us, in his Pre face, that he is " inc lined ra" 131? to giv e the honour of the performance to Pat rick " M rely, Effq; an emi nent Lawyer and an act ive " cm er 0. the Houi'e of Comm ons in the Parlia‘ .r ment aflemblcd at Dublin in 16.1.0," who was the au- thor at that time nriovht occaiion his thus yielding to menfures' "f Vrz. For having: " traitemufly rontriverl, introduced, and ex" :rri‘E'd un atiirmry and rgrannital Cnvcrzinrcnt, againfl Law, " lltm'lgllumt this Kingdom, {Lemar-5,) by tht cuuntrnancc, and af- " fiftance, m 'Tbmur Earl of S:.r_.:_fir.rd, thczt Chit-{Governor of this " Kingdom." See the ill Arricl: of ln‘psathmcn‘: uglinfi Sir Rirh- 2rd Bolton and others, with the SPLL h of Mr. Audlcy Mervin on that orcalion, Liktr' {-om Nalfivn‘s Cnilrc‘tion of Pepers, and rc~ printed at Dublin in 272+, 2'. the eui of Darcy‘s Argument. |