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Show [ l XX l an oath thould be obtained to confirm the unjufl' " Power qf t/Je Exczc'lor," it will not increafe his Right; for the Ba- ron's own doctrine (again in another part of his book) affords a fuflicient an- fwer to annul every pretence of (DH-igntz‘ozz on account of " oat/95 xtorted by u];- "jzg/f Fear (11)." Thus the maxim concerning the 728ch xxi ] ceflity of agreement to make Laws valid, he has aflerted alfo, " that neither the " divine pq/z'tz'eue Laws, nor the Laws 0f " Nature, had their rife from the agree- " ment affirm," 86¢. Book I. c. 6. §. 2. i . 4 . P N7OW his obfervation is certainly true as far as it relates to the Hf: or origin of l‘uch Laws ; for the Laws, being divine, fity of A'fléizl, for which leontend, is fufliciently proved to be a Law ofNa- mull: neceffirily have " 1w! their ri/é" lure even by the learned Baron's own " rile arguments, and Ideiire no better. from God 5 but yet this does not let afide caufe the {ludying of his Works (I am informed) is at In confequence of the Baron's gene.ralmilconception(12),concerning the ne- this time cenfltlered as a material part of Education in our Univerfitics; f0 that [/15 rf/dyar Cumulus" of the very bell Families in this Kingdom are liable to im- cefhty bibe (as it were with the Milk of [nih-uttion) thele poifonnus Doctrines, which thereby become fixed and " what the other period lcfes by lush forced bargain, " the necei'lity of It'qpuxasiux, in the party who offered. " the violence, I ' 5/" ALL OBLIGATION Io pay/2152;! engrnt‘ted in their tender minds as nfiumflzzim for their future pa/itital Principle: .' Thus a molt dangerous fourcc of unconllitutionv " in 1/»me rte/59 2:1 notioiis has been Opened, and feems already to, and 1], 81C." Book 3. C. 6. §. 11 . p. 22;. (x1) " But what are we to think of, car/.7; extorted " by_mju1' Fear .9 Surely the Peribn who, by means of " this fear, procured a promife Iqbal; oar/2, is no lel‘s " obliged to wring/é :l'gprcxw't, thus violentlv obtained, " than r5 cfil: bar! Km» added to confirm it. have flowed throughout the Kingdom; need {0 that We not wonder at the mot/em partial/119; for in- crealing the number as well as the powers of Cam-J: of :l;/av:z'ra/rj, and other feminaries of the Cz'-v."1Lau-, though the very exillencc of Erin/I5 Lién‘y depends There- on duly reflraining and limiting the Civil Law Cam-r: " fore the bear: no reztion, why Cal/zl'n‘il/zl/[o/l {hould " not be atnsrtted in this cafe, in cpuohtitm to we " Claim of the z'g'm-im: Party; :iCCOTdiirh to the rules within thole bounds of jurildit‘tion which have been allowed them by the ancient Conltitution of this " laid down by us" (lays he} " when {we treated of " the A general l'ubjeé‘t offing/u" Book 4.. c. 2. §. 8. p. a..., Kingdom: And therefore I hapc my Readers will ex- cufe my having exceeded the ul‘unl form of publicatiens, in making/b {mg 3. Preface toflyijwrt a Work, line: i: was ahfolutely neCeiTary to guard againll thele dange- / (i2) I have {pent the more time in \k'tlrLtht'r my Rea.dcrs againlt the know or this telebrated Civilian, be- e a u {e rous and inveterate errors of the Ci-zvi.'L:zu-, bet‘orei could fafely proceed to my Declaration in favour of}:pu/tzr J‘Qa‘ém. |