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Show lin 1 J deed, that he has literally cited the cor"- (ll. wn the taunt: principle (thonah in ( ' \ rupt maxims, but he has manifef‘cly laid ferent worth) towuds the be; [ viii b down principle in the Government and l‘oliceof {Tm'lm' viz. the pernicious and dangerous Policy of maintaining a flann'mg army; for which the people were compelled to provide quarters and prov1fiotn, in all the Chancellor to the young; Written) " you have heard of " other t.'1:7)',",','fh".f like to thefir, and {one even worfe £< that thele "air/Irzrvfi and ({tIl/‘lillaté'gy [firmer‘ratafl no ( otherwrle than nnler the colour (or pretence) of {K great towns and villages. ~ t Alfo the abominable Oppreflion ot the Salt Trix, whereby the poor were coinpelletl to purchttle of the King :1 certain quantity of draft (whether they chole to have it or not) at :m excellive price; by which, together with the afl‘ellinents Io pay 1ng trot/[5, and v..- rious other tullagernteable at the lit/7:3": playing, the common people were retlnced to extreme prnury, and want ofevery comfort in life. And, with relpecl; to perfons ofhigher rnnlt, if any Nobleman or Gentle- man wns aecul‘ed of a crime, even by bit enemies, he G 1/242 [Cyst-an, ruin. (Luod l'rincipi placuit (juxtzt [.eges Civiles) leggis haltet vigorern." " Etiam etali'l mormz'u," (liiys he) "hiislimilia, acquzedam biz} drtrrz'ora, dum in [Francia et prope regnum illud converl'atus es, l andilti non alio, qnam [qr/h [Mano/ore nuTES'rAhrtt- ‘6 'l‘UK DAMNABILITl-IRKUE PERPETRATA, quze hie ‘K inferere, nollrnm nimium dialognm protelaret," {9'}. Whether or not 14/; (Hr! lur mode of‘difpatehing the l‘rt-nch King's Suh'ef‘ts is yet in ufe, [know not; but of this we are well iiilit ., that/Milne"mam/ion; /)*'L"_‘/5 .5101 lemme/z are llill pme‘iilcd there, which in direct tire rgsz was liable to be dragged to a. XIX/"Z1111! tumring/imz, by 1y n'ngm'am, the interruelintion of nrellerigcrs in the lung's cham. light than that of {0 many marl/u! Mun/arr, for whieh her, or Cllewhet'e, in a prirzite place, without leeing theKings ol'lirance, and all tholc men whom they have intruded with the adminillration of Juliice, are 1.101}; certainly accountable, and mult'one day anlwer in his :1 enters (liiznlelf alone being liren); and when the King) (or perhaps his Minitier) has 55m plug/inf to and cannot be confidered‘in any other their own private perfons as z'mz'irvz'duals, belides the judge him guilty, the poor [75.51/32]: Sizéjrd is popped into a lack, and in the night time Call into the river by the h'lzit'lhal's l'ervnnts. Howfoever incredible fuch abominable injullice may appear to Englilhmen, yet the worthy Chancellor, who wrote this account for the inflrue‘lion of lidward Prince of W'nles (the ion ol'liing llenry Vl.) when in France, appeals to the young l'iince's O-lL/I [brow/mfg: of the notoriety of fuch facts: ‘f You have heard," (lays he) " that more " men (by much) have died in this manner than by " the ordinary courle ot‘ jullice; yet neverthelet‘s" (lays he Ironically) " tubal/tiny} Ital/J [rim/221156 King " {arr/titling (a [lit Ci-vi/ La-w} [mu l/JE fm‘a' (_// Lace. " Amt while you have been in France, and in the " neighbourhood ot'that Kingdom," (continues the nice .or enormous guilt which lies heavy upon tha: whole people as a when, for paflvmly permitting fuch noto- rious and crying inf/[airy to be praé‘tifed among- them under the borrowed name ot‘Lmu: And it is not only the a'i/joalc/Jz‘ng of mm (to put them out otithe way at" oppolition to Government) that is intended by theie mange; rxcw/z'om, but allo, in fonte cafes, to liltijly a hole malicious revenge by torturingr the helplelk vietim with the cruel death of [mm/him; on Mr: . / for, as both the 71mm and (rimeof the jiggli'rgr z: (m:- cea/m', (or perhaps a wrong name given out to prevent pity,) it cannOt be fluid that high cruelty is tilt-ti by way ofexam‘iile to deter bzitl min from comzniting trealon, or other prrtieulir crimes; {0 that {uch |