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Show [ I70 ] [ I7I ] the People of that province,) to the unotherwife, if we were to canfider " ear/mt reafonable pretentious, beforementioned, " wan/dome 55512 THE ANSWER" (or ra- of the mack LegQ/E'alzzrc at London; for ther what ran/[y were THE CLAIMS) of otherwife, , . k 0 n the one Leg/mime, Without confidermg, " behalf, in Parliament, for 1er aid, or the 127:: ;" for the molt eflential and fundamental Right of the [wile/r: égq'y 0/7/13 Common: (I mean the P/i/zczfalj, not the De- fruit; or flgmtr) was materially injured by the fatal change, and the people's power of controul, for the general good of the kingdom, was thereby apparently at the fame time, the real ANSWER of [be other, to {och vain and 205/719? preten- lions, we lzould lay ourfelves open to the charge ofjmrtz'zz/z'zy.' diminifhed l {0 that, if it is the duty of Reprefenta- tives (even in " an} "mu Jayne" of mere " aid, 0; The judicious Author of a late " AP" " the like") to confult their Conflituents, how much upon the propol‘al of {0 material an altera- " peal to the Jufiice and lnterefls of me tion in the Conflitution, ought they to have anfivered, that, " 1'): 1/25: 711;} device, t/Jey DARE NOT AGREE " People of Great-Britain, in the prefent " Difputes with America," has reported more, " \VIFHOUT CONFERENCE WITH THEIR " COUNTRIES!" Thele are the wordsofLord Coke, who mentions them as the proper anfwer, " rev/:57; ar ' C ‘ new deeirr 2': "word," Sac. and he adds, " wherebi} y " it appenreth" (lays he) " that sucr-r CONFERENCE " i5 warranlabl'c 5} 1173 Law and Czflome ofPar/z 'amml," 4 Infl. p. i4 ; {0 that no Reprzfenmriw can be juttilied (according to " Z/JE Laqu and Cuflomc of Parliam ent") who refutes to receive the Inllrué‘tions of his Conllitu- the Anfwer of the Virginian Legy/ature on that occafion. " Upon the diffolution of the Monarchy," (lays he,) the Commonwealth difpatched a GoVernor, WITH A SQJADRON, to take cnts, notwithlianding that {everal very knfible, worthy, and (I believe) fincerely patriotic gentlemen have lately declared themfelves to be of a [azzlrmy opz‘m'w ; but, when they perufe the feveral authorities which I pofleflion of Virginia. have Cited, concerning the abfolute necellit y ofa wry flrews 10/54! were their original idea; of their Rig/52‘s. Article 4th. VIRGINIA. fraguwi "gm! to the {enfe of tbe 'UJ/JD/c' Zmdy aft/x fropr'r. l.trutl, in their candour and love of truth, that they will alter their fentiments, ‘ I He was per- miz‘ti'd to land, upon Arfieles, of which the following is one, and drcyz‘vrf; '7 " 4.4 ‘4 " (hall |