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Show , L148] [ of the former Parliament, as well as oftL US Citizens of London (43) in 3 note], and of " ly to any Votes, Ordinances, or Declarations, con" coming the [fir/g," 64c. Rnfliworth's Collcft, part of almoi't the whole prefbyterian party, (including at that time a very great majority of the people,) who were carnefily defirous to maintain the ancient confiitu- tion of State, by reftoring the King to 4. vol. 2. p. 107.}. . " " " " A i.' ,‘ run" ..O .\ .‘_ "I"-L‘» '17 Tut-{dayjmw 27, 1648'. (43) "This day a Petition fro m the Lord Mayor, Al~ dermen, and Common Counci l of the City of London was prefented to both Houfes ofP ar liarnent; the fubfiance thereof, for l'atisihé‘ti on oft hofe that have not feen the Petition, take briefly thus :~-~That a per- " fonal treaty may be obtained bet wixt his Majeliy " and both Houfes, int/Jr Ci/y ofLondmz, or fome other " convenient place, where it may be mofl for (In? /Ja" your qf bi: Mgr/1')": rqva / pcrflm, and prefirwation of "the Parliame nt, as their honours thouuh t fit- unto " which treaty they humbly defire on: brethien of " Scotland may be invited; that {0 according to 11»: "dug: of our allegz'ame, prot er'iation, tblemn leaoue " " " " and Covenant, 171': Airy/Jif fy royal my", borrow'bmlt'l' {/3an may I): fugfirqum'; the fiaqcz‘r and fri'llizlféf 0f Par/infirm! Irmzkrur'lsrn"; rlzr'jrlfl hie/2!: mm' Lz'ésrti e: N" t/Je Suzi/"£5; rryfw-tzf; Rel igion fijltl Government of J 6‘ the Church in purity eitziblitlzed- all difi'crences " may he the better compofed, and ai firm andiailing " peace concluded; and tl 1e union between the tuo ' " Kingdoms continued , accosding to the covenant ; ALL ARMIES msrnrvorn 1‘ ; find all your lbidicrs " jult arrears finished; the kingdom's burthens eaied, 9" and the laudable G OVEInment thureof, by the 36063 H and fuch a {bare of limited Power as they thought confif'tent with their own iafety: But, alas ! the flan/Zing Army was now become l/Je ruling Sovereign of the Kingdom, and was not lefs zealous to maintain an uzzl'z'zizz'z‘ed Authority than the former ruling Sovereign, whom they had to latelyfonght againft‘and imprifoned for the like unlawful pretenfions; {0 that the arbitrary proceedings and injufiice of the King, in the beginning ofhis Reign, were fevers/y repaid in kind by proceedings e- qually arbitrary, illegal, and unjufi; as Op‘ frag/ion " and wholefome Laws and Cufioms, happily ad. " vanced." For this, both Lords and Commons, re- fpec‘tivcly, thank the petitioners for their good af. fefiion to the Parliament, and fignify their concur. :ence in the fame fentiments. Rufhworth, part4. vol. 2. p. 1167, and 1168. |