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Show [ '58 '] [" 159 l liament) were indeed chofen by a {mall ~part of the people of England, yet the legal Repre/E'H'atz'on, even of that final! part, was out of date and void, from the length of time that the {aid Reprefenta- {0 that our more prudent Anceftors (imi-tatin g nature re q uited alfo an annual )4 F renewal eonfiitutional Liberties of [nil/rad than any ether that I ever heard of; and, as it is ipt‘zz‘efflly contrary to tiveshad continued without Re-eleé'tion, which was about ten years; whereas it is well known that the due effect, or virtue, of popular Rape: erzrarz'aiz, was formerly lirppofed to be incapable (like fome annual fruits) of being fo long preferved in uleful purity, withouta/éajorzawe renewal, (53) from time to time; the intention and legal confiitnrion of Pnrliuments, mull necellarily reflect th :35: difiiononr on {hole perfons, whoever they are, t have introlrzced this monflzrous infringement on the natural Rights of thC Irifl: Subjeéts. Thefe excellent Lettcra, which contain much healer:able inllruétion, are {aid to he written by john Did-:inlbn, Efq. the fame eminent Author to whom thznlfi were molt defervedly given, by the C nznitzee for 1h: Province of l'cnfylvania, on the. 21?; of july lall, " for the great aifillance they had Llrrrivei from the " application of his eminent abilities to the ferric: of 10 " .,, . ,. . , {i on n can: pas deja informs a'e (a gm‘ r'ézaz‘: pa/ir', " e! de [a Ierrrur gue L'ARME/E z'q/piroz't & ton:V /e " mantle." Rapm, tome ix. p. 4. (53) The fenfible and patriotic author of the " Let" ters from a Farmer in Pennfylvania to the Inhabi - " tants of the Britilh Colonies (1774)," remark s, in a note .on page 103, that, " the lall Inf; Parliament " continued l/Jirgy-t/yrce yarn, that is," (lays he») " during all the late reign. The prefent Parlia ment " there has continued from the beginning of this " reign, and probably will continue" (fays he) " L0 " the end!" This is indeed, as hejuflly calls it, a molt " firt.‘ m'rz‘qmjmviw/aait}," it being a.greater defcrft in the conllitutional " his country, in" (another) " performance," fincc publilhed, intitled, " A new Efliiy" (by the Pcnnfyi, vanizin Farmer) " on the coniiitutional Power of " Great-Britain over the Colonies in ;\:ncriea,"&'(, And the {aid Committee, with grert jullice and Pm" pricty, recommended that performance, " ashighly " deferving the perufal and {erious confirleration of " every friend of liberty," Ur. (54.) Sir Edw. Coke, in his 4th Int}. p. g, {peaking of " the matters of Parliament," informs us of the run fans ufually exprell'ed in the writs for calling a new Parliament; as " pro quibnlilnm zrrtlnis urgentibua ne~ " gotiis, nos Ratum, et defenfionem regni nol‘rri Anglia, 3‘ ctEcclefiatAnglicanzz concernentibusquoddnm parlia" mentum nofirumfi‘fr. tencriorlinavirnus,"ifr. And he adds, |