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Show l 206 [ 207 ] J fame excellent Statute; becaufe the two' realy corzlrary to the} Great Cbarler; Acts of Parliament, ofthe 33 and 35 H. 8. on which they grounded their opinion, cannot have any legal force, (notwith- whereas, at prefent, there are fome particular cafes (as I have before remarked) wherein they may, perhaps, be allowed a fianding the literal meaning ofthe gene- legal force. ral exprcfiom therein,) when applied toof- \I -q'r l ,, i "Ill-IIIIHIII'.-‘..‘I '"1 I-||I| lullll an "a" . u. Now, though whatl have already re- fences committed in any country, province, or colony wharfoever, that is {ubjee‘t to the imperial crown of Great-Britain : to that marked will probably be thought a fig?- even KIM/[117d had been " (flame/7y m2" med" therein, the faid Acts Would have been fo far from finding that kingdom, LordCOIzv as precedents againf‘t the Liber- . (according to the efTee't luppoled by Lord Coke, Judge Vaughan, Judge Blackfione, and others,) that the very NAMING Ireland, for fuch purpofes as were intended by the {aid Acts, would have rendered them aéjblu/vly " NULL AND VOID," and to be " HOLDEN FOR NONE," becaufe they would, in that cafe, have been di- reflly to lignify, in an rfperinl manner, the Trial by :1 Jury ofthe f'z'rinngr); " 11ml i/‘ANY THING, from 1m:"fm'lly, [is dam 10 {by can/rm}, {r flmll br vom IN " THE LAN and list/draw for ljrrar." ciem‘ Anfwer to the two Refolutions " of " all {be :‘fzzdges in England," cited by ties of our brethren, tlnc fizlxjréls 9f IRE- LAND, I am neverthelefs inclined to add one more tefiimony againft the {aid Rafalutz'om, which has no lefs authority than that even of Lord Colee bimfi'lf (in another part of his writings) againft all flmz'lar Refolutions and Opinions! Let him now bear witnefs both againft the {aid :‘fudges and lam/Wk! - " And " albeit, Judgements in the King 5 f-‘ Courts" (lays he) " are of high regard Ct in |