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Show [ 74 l [ 75 1 quoted by the Honourable Mr. Jufticc Barrington, from -l a ‘ i ,_ 'u'i.l i l .' \' n, . amt/liar ‘ l Petyr, MSS. Vol. XXVlI. p. 294. for though it is not a Precedent exactly to the point in quef- tion, (i. e. the fending Reprefentatives from Ireland to the Engli/lo Parliament,) yet it tends to corroborate the fame equitable Doé'rrine concerning the neceflity of Reprefintation in general, which ought to be the balis of all determinations either in the Privy Council, (to which the example particularly relates,) probably the fame perfon that is mentioned in the record before cited from Mr. Mollyneux, by the name of john Draper, " who was chofen Burgefs of " Cor/e by Writ, and ferved in the Par- " liament of England ;" for, as theother circumftanCCs correfpond, both with re- fpeé't to the place from whence .he came, and the year of his being fent, It IS natu~ ral to conclude, that the {mall difagree- ment in the name may have been occa- or elfe- 112:2. fioned by fome accidental mil'take, where. " There is a writ (fays he) of " Edward III. in the 50th Year of his " Reign, to oblige the Inhabitants of " Cor/e to pay the expences of yoke: " Drozip, who is fiated to have been abov" [en 5} the Community to attend tbe King's john Droup for film Draper, or woe verfa; and he might fervc the Inhabia tants of Corie in the double capacrty of The Rrpnjenfatine in Parliament, and Agent per- for them to the Privy Counal; or even haps his fummons and attendance, have at the King's Priry Council, might Bufinefs of his attendance, however, does for been in his parliamentary capacity; not appear; but on whatever account he if a due Reprel‘entation from Ireland was Przey to attend the King here in his tire/Huey, lush an Afl'embly might, With- " Privy Council in England(16)." might attend rive Privy Council, he was probably ('6) " Obfe'Vations on the more ancient Statuteh" 55‘:- P. 145' L 2 out |