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Show [ xxxiv ] [ ‘ Iii/'21? firm/1g, in men who are enduod ‘with the natural 1ng! of Rc'aflm and ‘ Common Seq/e! Perhaps it may be of- ‘ten attributed to the fear of temporal ‘ Szrfiérr‘rgr and inconveniences which ‘ fupercede that Rc'rz/b/z and Can/creme ‘ which [liould always controul the ac{ tions of M'm, and dil'tinguilh them from ‘ Brute: (19). They forget that whilfl; ‘ they yield an implicit 46713123 obedience ‘ to the zm/zzw/iz/ commands of any tem‘ para! Monarch or Legz/Iczture, through xrtxv ] ‘ little Traf‘t on " Crown Law, relpeét" ing " and ments fored, the Clue dii‘tintlon bett'xeen ll-Z/rz‘rti'r Ilimz/i/zzlrgfrtrrf but as my {enti- on that head have fince been cenI hope it will not be thought too foreign to my prefent topic, if i innit that no act ofinjufiice can be more fia- grant than that of denying to any particular order of Men (whether Soldiers or others) their natural Right of appealing ‘the fear of prefent inconveniences or to the eternal Law, and of aeting agree- able to the dictates of their own Rea/672 and C072 til-(VICE I ‘ car/20ml Szzflt'rz'flgs, they rebel againfl' In my former Tract l remarked, that ‘ the King eternal, who has power over ‘ their/0a]; as well as their bar/iv: (20). ‘lt was on this Principle alone; this ‘ {enfe offlzper/or Dir/y arifing from the ‘ fear ofGod, that I lounded my Addrelis ‘to the Gerri/1mm of [/36 flrmy, in my ‘little (19) For without thefe they deferve not the name of "1m, time a more evident " mark of 1/2; Ben/l" need not be fought for than the neglect of rm/m and rm:- erm, or the balencls of‘yicltliug the {ame'in an m‘ir‘r'c (Anti to thn: arbitrary (mg of any mm; or body of mm whntlnet'er. (:0) " _l in): unto you," (raid our Lord,) " m' " friends, he not afraid of them [htt kill the body, " and, after that, have no more that they can do; bin: " 1 will forcwu it you whom you lhzill t'eitr: fear him, " .. which, aficr he. hath killed, hath power to Cali into ( I hell; yea, I lay unto you, tear him." Luke xii. ;. (-. fee alto Matthew K. 28. " the Law will not excufe an rm/rzwfizl " A767 cammz'lird fly a SOLDIER, even " though he commits it by f/Ji'ralfirr/s " Commzmdof the highet't vii/{Mr}! flirt/{)0" rz'r‘y in the Kingdom," €56. and that " M72 of true llwzoer," who have allo " " " " (2 true Smfe of [Qt/131.071, \xill not only be mindful that they are Soft/Aw and Sufi/5&7: to an earthly KING, but that they are all‘o Salt/[err and .S'Zt/y'crfi'r to the "KING of KINGS, whofe Laws and " l'recepts they will, on all occalions, " prefer to wavy ot/Jrr col/zlrmzrd," Col: But thishas been denied, it feems, by a Critic, in the Monthly Review for janu- .ary, 1774, who calls it " a/Zrm/gel'riiz" (if/1‘1," ln an Age ol‘infidelity, indeed, e 2 it |