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Show I I96 ] [' 197 ] ancient LAW or THE LAND: nay, this particular mode of Trial is {o infeparahly annexed to the Law oft/M Land, that it is In the 29th Chapter of Magna Char- fometimes exprefled and known by that ta, " the Law‘ pf the Land" fecms to he mentioned in this peculiar (cute 2 " Nee general term, " the Law of the Land," " fizper cum z'éz'mm, nee zzper cum mite- (Lex Terms) as if there was no other Law (3f the Lewd but this one: which emphatical expreflion fufliciently proves peculiar difiinétion, in preference to all " mm, iii/2‘ per [egg/e judicial}; parry/12>[2'10" rum, vel PER LEGEM TERRJE." Lord Coke refers us, "for Me truefin/Mnd exfo" fltion oft/Je/e words," to " the Statute of " 37 Ed. III. cap. 8." (meaning chapter the 18th,) " where the words, éy t/Je " Law of t/Jé' Land," (fays he,) " are " rendered, wit/9022: due prom/3 of law," the other excellent Laws ofz‘be Land; and &c. which he farther explains, towards that 1252': particular Law for the Mode of Trials is tl'lCfi/fl and my} (final/.2] Law qu‘be Calylz'tution; for, otherwife, it could not be entitled to fuch an eminent and confequently this prz'nczfa/ arfimdammz‘a! Law is {0 necefiarily implied and compre- the end of the fame ferltence. -- " That " is," (lays he,) " by ind/27mm! or pre- hended, in that general term, " the Law " jivztment ofgooa' and lace/22! men, \VHERE " qftbe Lewd," that the latter may be confidered as entirely fltéwrz‘ed and overt/Jrawn, whenever the former is changed or fit qfla'e, for "/225/(22‘0 fitndameflto cadit f‘ opus." Jenk. Cent. 106. " SUCH DEEDS BE DONE, int/Hemamzer, " or 6)! Writ-Original of the Common" Law." Thefe lafl; are the exprefs words of another A& of Edw. Ill. (7.23. 25 E. III. In C- 4:) |