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Show [ 28 l [ 29 l frrved, and the ado/Izz'natz'on ofdormflic ( 2 5) as well as political Slavery abolifhed l land has no legal Authority to govern by On the calm ‘mnd, it is not only Tree-jazz agaz'lfl the C011 brat/0'1 to attempt to deprive any free Britilh Subjeé'ts of thei r any other mode than that limited go. , ,,. . vernment called the Eng/zj/J Conyntzztmz, which he is {worn to maintain ; for lueh is the frailty of human nature, that no Izzturc, (26) but it is equally deroga tory man or body of men whatever is to be entrul'ted with the adminiftration of government, unlefs they are thus [muted by and injurious to the Authority of the Crown; (27) becaufe a King of Eng - Law and by a due Reprefentation of the people at large, fubjeé‘t to a frequent natural Rig/2t to a Share in the Leng- land (25) The toleration of domcflic Slav ery in the Colo. nies greatly weakens the claim or Izzztura/ Rig/,7! Of our American Brethren to Liberty, Let them put away 163 man/211' l/Jizlg (that horrid Opp rgflouj from among ' appeal, by Elva-72.077, to the whole body of eonftituents : for it is a maxrm, " that " he who is allowed more Power, by " Law, than is fit, (or equitable,) the them, before they prefume to implore the in terpoiition 0f (Ii-17.11! 711/210 ; for, Whil fl they retain their bra/try: " fame will f'till defire more Power than all, and Call him Fatfirr .' " (film, War/din the moll ihameful involuntary fervitude, it is profane in them to look up to the mud/Yul Lord of (26) " To extend the Gov ernor's Right to com» " mand, and Subjeét's Dut y to obey, beyond the " Laws of one's country," (fai d that learned lawyer, Lord Sommers,) " is TRE ASON againfi the Conflit u" tion , and Treachery to the foci ety whereof we are " members." Judgement of whole Kingdoms, {9" p. 6. (27) " Nor is it merely the firfl and highefl: Yrmfin " in ig/Jf, that a member ofa pol itical {ociety is ca- " pable u is able of committing, to go alum! Iafltd‘verl we C072- "21:11:22)"; but it is alfo the grentr/I Trad/Fm he. can " er etrate againfi the Per/071, Crown, and Dignity " 013:5" King; for fuch an endeavour both annuls " a/ndflvacates all his title to fuperiority over thole " above whom he was exalted from the common le- " vel by "virtue of 111::Conflilution, and deprives lnm " of all rightful and legal claim of‘ refloral 1au- ‘ thority over the foeiety, by dellroymg the aone ‘ foundation upon which it .was ereétcd, 1111C: by " which he became vetted with it," b'c. Ibid.p.9t 10. |