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Show Comma/0mm; --._., .1; . :4 the 2-,, "Qt... '9" ' ‘, <. we‘rrfift‘< Lav". A. ., . m.- [ 203 [ ] l " in Law, and jndiein are accounted as (efpecially) " concerning the Sta/ale of " juribdio‘la, yet it is provided, by Act " Ire/0nd,)" there would have been no "‘ of Parliament, that if any judgement oe efl‘ential difference between his Opinion " " " " and that natural :‘fn/lice for which 1 con; tend: but, alas! that great man has confirmed his error upon that {object in another part of Calvin} Cafl, (p. 446,) given contrary to any of the points of the Great Charter or Charla zle Forefla, BY THE JUSTICES, or lzy any other of I/Je King's Mini/Bert, &c. it flzoll oe wherein he declares " tbot allleiz‘ IRE" undone and H O L DE N " N O U G H T." F O R Proeme to his 2d Inf'titute. Y t A lira-5% If Lord Coke, when he mentioned the. BINDING IRELAND in the Parliament of England, " BY SPECIAL WORDS," (4th Infi.p.350.)and"BY BEING ESPECIALLY " LAND wos a (liflinél dominion, yer, THE TITLE THEREOF BEING BY CONQIEST, tbefome 12y judgement of law might 5y exprefs wore/s be bound 5} A6? of the Parliament of England." Here he has luckily given us another reafon, which leads us to the detection of his error. --: " Tet" (lays he) " THE " NAMED," (Calvin's Cale, 7th Rep. ," TITLE pl 44 7.) had meant nothing more than what is clearly proved by his " one exam- " ple for all," beforementioned, (viz. that a Reprefentation of the Subjects in Ireland ought to be fummoned to the En- 31/ 2 Parliament, whenever " an ‘45? of " Parliament flwll [to mode in England" (efpecially) THEREOF " @EST,"€9°C. BEING BY CON- Now, it is very re- markable, that {0 many ofthe molt emi- nent law writers {hould have copied and adopted this erroneous opinion, without examining tbeforee of it; as if the authority and real worth of this learned Writer, Ee ~ in |