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Show [ I04 ] [ 105 ] himfelf! 'viz. " I/V/Jereupon z'z‘ mufl needs aflbrd the leaft {hadow of Evidence for " 4% follow, that the Author's Difcourjé 5‘ FALLS ALL IN PIECES, and is nothing the latter part of his Aflertion, viz. the Power of the Englz‘ 9 Parliament over " to the purpofe that he would have it." P Ireland. Aft, Io Hen. VII. c. 4, makes this 7}: betu‘rezztb: Serjeant Mayart has alfo taken a great deal of needlefs pains to prove " Ire/and two King/lam: indiffoluhlc. And we mull ever own it our happinefs to be thus annexed to England; " to be annexed to the Crown ty‘England," ‘ and that the Kings and Qgeens of England are, by undoubted Right, {13/31 12:50, Kings and @cens of and that " the King and Parliament of " England have Power over Ireland," and he cites feveral Aéts of Parliament, and other Authorities, in pages 64. and 65 of his flnf'wer, in the Hibernica, {and from hence we mu)? reafcnably con- if any Ads of Parliament made are rec: Fl there in Parliament, they Frauld he more cipc ally {Grill Aft; as relax: to the Sara-jinn 5/ fit: Cram/=1, and R:"ng;1.it:'.;z' (>5 the King's. 'I‘ tilCI‘itO, and tire Pnzm- and jurff- [infirm of the King. And. yet we find, in the jig/:5 Statutea‘, 28 lien. VIII. C. 2, an A'c'ffi‘r 11v: Susq/l for: gYir: H.723- zzm/ Qu'u 11;. 2-- ; and another, chap. 5, declaring the liizr‘; to bcjr'trfir:,"b' Had cf/[Ir' C/Jzzz-r/J the Iriih themfelves are {0 far from denying, that they are rather defirous to main- tain it (28), But none of his Authorities afford " It 11a: ewr éeen ar- " brawlea'ged :baz 1/22 Kingdpm of Ireland i: infiparabb' " anmxed to the Imperial Crow): a/‘Englaml. The obli- " gation that our Legiflature lies under by Poiniggé'ts q‘,r"'1:-/i-ilz.:r:'; both which Acts had formerly pulled in " the l‘arliaamnt ofEn in. So likewife we find, :mongil the Irilh Statute , lily-Kr ofRercguiliuz oft/re may; {15:17 M [I'IIIN/It!, in tuc reigns of Henry VII '. anep lili7=il)c:il, Ring Imus, hing \\ Lil 1m and Queen Mary. King Charles II. By which it a;. ‘ pens, that Ireland, though annexed to the Crown oi~ England, has always been looked upon to he a. ‘ .irngd'vm (L7).'."lul'(;' HUM/[(4 it], And to have all Intifdietiou to an :rhiblute K .0111 bzlonging, and. {ubc-rrlinate to no lfiglllrlilv .‘lmriry on liarth: illeuvl)'. ft is E": be noted, Evin; E'tgzlilh Ail-H 35s: ‘5 in England {haul-ti he of {one in Ireland, before they anl ."531' which clearly prove, indeed, thefirmer part of the Aflrtion, (that Ireland is annexed to the Crown of England 3) a point which (28) Cafe of Ireland, p. 96. Ireland. clude, that, ' v ,1, ..u..)g |