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Show [ of their 2222172222.? I22.72170222, and of the in- efiimalle bLnefits of that happy legal Confiitution, which Britilh Subjects in iii ] 5;:sz and :7027,.7:7‘2‘222‘22222:2I P1inci71':se (2‘); tl1ouo',h on the other hand, the y are to be eilecmed of \eryyg1eat Weight and general are commonly {uppol‘ed to inhe- rit by Bz2t'777-22‘gI7/I It 1 had not Liteemed this point 22262222t2'7017M22I2/2, when I wrote the {aid Dec/21- authority in Lam wl e11 there cue 220j22/I raz‘z‘on, l {hould not have quoted the tion: 101', though many great and relpec- table W titers have made(21510220225 to the confiitutional l‘reedom of 12:31:22.2, which Union between Great Britain and [272'- Iamz' as an example of " 2/26 true 6022/2212:- " t2‘o2m/ mode 17f conncflz‘ng Brit/fly Do" 22.72.2022: tl72.1: are otl1erwife/2‘7pamted I17 "nan/217." But having done this, and having alfi11;iven lexe1al copies of the [Declaration to my friends which cannot 110wl1crecalle:., lrhave therehybrought upon myl‘elt‘ the neeefiity of maintaining the propriety of the {aid example, which might as eniily have been avoided, had I exay'u‘zms ag1i111t them ( 3).:111doithis latter kind is the Example which I have quoted to illufhate my Declaia- I had {uppoied to he unquellionable, yet, arter the mod ca1eiul examination of their opinions, and the 27:722/5225 given for the fame, (in which the proofs ought to coniith) 1 am now fully convinced that there are .0 722/} 2x31621220": againl‘c that example, and, connquently, lam bound in juftice to my fellow-Jubjefis in Ire/22.7221 not to give it up; becaute the been aware or any l‘uch controverfy; l1 came the general pii11ciples, on which my:;1:‘gznments are lounded, would have been 3111 7‘:-77 1111 iciLnt (1 apprehend) to prove the ti'tith L717 111v I)22/a22:71: 022, even though Ex:22.7./I:s 1:7:171 Cu/om had been a 2 "22022fl2‘ty" (2) This is clearly proved by avariety of unqueftionahle maxims; " Jutlicztndum Cl"; Legiém, 222222 Exemp/IL" :" Mnlus ul‘ns :iholendus ed." " In coniuetndinibus non (liuturnitns temporis, fed "/‘oIz‘dI‘m: rant/2:3, confideruntlaefi." againfi it, for the \. (1:11111011 Law of ling/(Hid teaches us, that examples and precedents are not to he 1:11.: wed if they are INK/"€2.7-5272aI/27, or incomillcnt with . " Multitudo :27:‘a22t.7‘1:221 11911 parit crrori patroct- " nium." (3) ct quit confmtulines illre 22.7 2 2212222.: I2gm " 22272211222221 21c [0222222 22222022222: in almuo inllu 1t, ct " p170 b.1110 communi totius Regni ex carum Lliuini" tnte cenlentur tore neceflhuix, 7172227 L£25 22222 ""222, It'gflI‘ Sec. Doét. 6; Stud. c. 7. |