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Show I 33 ] i 89 ] Of the general examples which he has Englilh Statutes then in force were cited, that in the 10th of Hen. VII. (one adopted by the lrilh, is the molt re- of Poining's Acts ) whereby all the Engliih markable; and it is necciILiry to take par- ticnlnr notice ofthis Act, becnufe the ef- " for the punilhment of witchcraft and forcery, and fect ofit is frequently mifunderl'tood; for "‘ " " " another A0. in the fame year, chap. 14. for the punilhmcnt of forgery; which Aé‘ts were not of force in Ireland until the fame were enacted by Parlia. ment there in 28th Eliz. chap. 2, 3. In 28th fome have fuppofed, that hereby " all " the Statutes, made in the Parliament of " England concerning the public, {hould " Hen. VIlI. chap. 1;. there was an Aft made in " be obferved in Ireland," without obfer" England for the puniihment of piracy ; which Act " was not of force in Ireland until the fame was en- " acted in Ireland in 12th of james, chap. 2. ving any farther diiiinétion (21); as if In N‘ they " 27th of Eliz. chap. 4,. an Aft was madein Eng" land againfi fraudulent conveyances, which Act was " not of force, nor received in Ireland, until the fame " was enacted in Ireland, roth Car. I. chap. 3. " the Act of faculties made in England 25th Hen. " Befides many other Acts made in the feveral reigns " of Henry VIII.-Edward VI.-Qieen Elizabeth,- " King James,--and the King's Majeiiy who now is. " In 24th Hen. VIII. chap. 12. &c. an AR " was made in England concerning appeals made to " l/Je " VllI. chap. 2|. extended lry {AZ/hwy} (wort/J 10 all [ff/rift (fi'z/z/xziom; yet the fame ~wzu 110! 1'5- " (rived, or of force, in [IT/(mil, until it was enacted " by l'arlimtent in irelaind, 224th llcnry VIII, " chap. 19." (21) In this indifcriminatc manner Mnnlieur R1- " Rome, which Act doth 6} expre/i word: cx/em/ ta‘ " all bi: Majrfly‘: dominiom; yet the fame twat not pin has exprciieil hinifclf, and has thereby given a, wrong Idea of the lrilh LCgiililturu to fuch of his rea- " rttfirued, nor of force in Ireland, until it was enacted 4‘ by Act of Parliament tiger: in 28th Hen. VIII. chap. " 6. Alfo the Statute of 28th Hen. VIII. chap. 8"made in England concerning the full-fruits of the " Clergy, extended by exprcfs words to any of the " King's dominions ;. yet the fame was not received, " or of force in Ireland, until it was enacted there by ders as do not tare for the trouble of itching better information; for, in fyt'nltinfr, ol the two Statutes, commonly called Poming'r 1152;, (after having?r mentioned that Act relating to the King‘s 'I‘i‘rmifiion for zilleiril)litig the Parliament,) he adds, " Un :iutre porroitqne tons 12:3 " zlctcs fairs LlllIlS le l'.i:li;liiir.nt (i‘Anglctcrrc, can- " Ccrnxntle Public, ft'i'oie‘nt (Aliiert‘ez k'll lllflilllt‘. Cir: " Parliament in 28th Hen. VIII. chap. 8.----Lil<e\'-/ife' " deux Statuts ion! encore " the 4- r- +69. f..." .113. Hitldl." Tc re |