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Show W‘" "was: 3m.- u. "a" [ 233 J Introduced) can poflibly render them " the Acts ofMen, HOLDING THEM FOR " NOUGHT and VOYDE that are INCER- ,V ‘ legal, jzfl, and binding in any other part of the world; {0 that it mui'r necellarily appear, that no new acquired Territories, fettled by Britifh Subjeéts, can [c'galéi be taxed by Englifh Aéts of Parliament, nor be bound thereby in their internal Government without fuch manifef'r in- ju/Zice and iniquity as mull necefTarily "‘ TAINE; how much more then doth " THE LAW REQpIRE CERTAINTY in " her own 14075, which are to bind all " Men." The Liberty of the Subjeét againft the "pretended Power of Impofié tions, by VVm.Hakewil, 1641. ‘ render null and void all fuch pretended Ihave been the more particular (as Afis; for, otherwife, if thEy Were ad- well here as upon Orurke's cafe before- mitted, they Would render all the tern- mentioned) in expreliing the neceflity poral hereditary polfeflions and property of the Subjeéts in the Colonies entirely of refiraining the Power 9f Parliament within the bounds ocha/an, j'zz/C'r'ce, and uncertain, which is one of the molt natural Equity, becaufe, I find, it is too odious Circumflances in the eye of the Law that can be mentioned. " ngodcer" tum aflretz‘nendanz e/l, quod INCERTUM " E s T a'z'nzz'ttena'um : Nay, quad I N CER T UM " EST NIHIL EST :" This is the cen- commonan error that ail/467‘ (fParliament is omnipotent, and that whatever is ordained by Parliament nnfl a: Law, with- _ 9"" -a- .-Ha~ 'hqu a"... -_.._ "ll-Illllllll" i 232 '] " fure of Law upon all the Aé'ts ofMen " which fall under the judgement of the! f‘ Law. If then THE LAW {0 judge of " the out any exception of Rig/at or Wrong, White or Black, Trut/J or Pal/Mood! which, God be thanked, is very far from being true, though the learned Commentator Judge Blackfione, upon the very H h fame |