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Show [ 202 ] [ 203 l ficient authority to add, to their confir- treafon to the Rate! mation of the Charters, that, " g'fANY ter mult, therefore, ever continue unre- " STATUTE be made to 1/96 com'mry, z‘lmt "flag/l be HOLDEN FOR NONE." And pealed: the reafon is plain; for no Statute what- in force, to prevent the Opp/"(firms and ever (eodcm mar/0 con/Zz'z‘uz'z‘ur) is ordained Prerogatimr, there named, from being extended beyond car/air; lz'zr'zz'lr, in cal}: the fame fhould ever hereafter be revived. No fingle Act of Parliament can unbind l) d 2 or by {0 great flat/Joni}; as that which Mag- mz C/mrz‘a has at length acquired, by the exprefs confirmation, from time to time, of f0 marry dgfermt Kings and Par/[amcm‘s: (68) The wifdom of ages has made it venerable, and fiamped it with This gloriousCha‘ra and even the articles, which feem at prefent ufelefs, muf'c ever remain fubleqttent Statutes, ye: this affords no argument 3gainlt the general flability of the Charter, with re- lpcfl to its main object, the Freedom of the People. an authority equal to the szflz'z‘zzz‘iwz tub. It is a Charter of Liberties, and therefore the itfelf, of which it is, in reality, a molt {equent Statutes, ellential and flmr/ammtal part; {0 that annihilating the leveral opprellive cttllnms which are mentioned therein and limited within certain any attempt to repeal (69) it would be hounds, as which EII/tht‘t/ Ibo/ti Li/zern‘rr, (by K/zroltrr Service, E/nmgc, l/I'ardx, and Li- than ‘verier, o'tc ) cannot be {aid to cptrate again/i the treafon (68) In the time of Sir Edward Coke the Charters had been exprefsly confirmed by THIRTY-TWO DIFFERENI PARLIAMENTS, as he himfelf wit- nelles in the Proeme of his 2d lnllitute: " {715/221}! " z C/mrlers" (lays he) " have dean toqfirmrtl', t‘fla" Ali/70rd, and wwmana'ed lo 63 put in exerutim, 5y 32 fl- " rum] 111‘}; Q'I'arl/fl/qwt." ‘(69) Though {ome particular articles of Magna Charm are indeed rendered ufelefs, at this day, by {ubfequent tcr, but rather in aid If 1'! ; for though the laid opprellive Tenures and dangerous l'ierogrttives nze perthe zipmitted by the Clutter in a car! '31: a'rgrec, yet they wherein ..rtit‘le5, {eve-ml the cl. n parent intentio to re- are mentioned, \‘r'ta not to (flu/1130:, but only flruz'» them, as much as the circumflances, temper, to and prejudices of thoie early times \VOuld permit: removed entirely ds afterwar which , Statutes the that the opprellion, cannot be efieemcd contrary to the purIripofe of the Charter. becaufe they enlarged thwl‘e the which to people, the herties and [Franchifes of ttz‘d, dcdic ly apparent Chzrter itl‘elt‘is lo |