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Show f 1mm 1;, [92] ] " of force, and be put in life, within _" the Realme of Ireland," £56. informs us, that " a like Statute was " made againin the 29th of Henry VI." This Aft of Poining's, therefore, {effi- ciently proves what Sir Richard Bolton intended by citing it, "01%. that the Inf/Z) did not efleem the Eng/W) Laws éimz'z‘ng 232 that Kz'ngabm until allowed by the Au- thority of their own Parliament, otherwife the A61: itfelf had been nugatory, as alfo the other Irifh Aéts which he has cited for the fame purpofe; in fome of which, it feems, the Parliament itfelf expreflly alien-ted the Doctrine for whic h he contends; as in that of the 19th of EdeI. wherein it was enacted, " That " the Statutes, made in England, SHOULD " NOT 1313 OF FORCE in the Kingdom of Ireland, unlefs they were allowed and CK " CE publifhed in that Kingdom by Parliament." (23) Sir Richard Bolto n alfO informs (13) . , 563. Sir w .Richard Bolton's Declarations, Ur. in Hams s I‘libeimca, p. 15. and therefore, notwithi‘randing that Ser- jeant Mayart has taken great pains, and filled many pages with citations of precedents from old Records of Law Cafes, Writs, @‘c. (in order to prove that Englz'jb Aéts of Parliament have been re- ' ferred to, and allowed in judicial Proceedings, before the fame were confirmed in [77/47sz yet all his labour has been bef'rowed in vain ; for (befides that he ought firfl to have proved the Aéts in quef'tion to have been made by the Eng/if?) Parliament alone, without any fuch reprefentation of the Irif/J Parliamentjointly therewith, asI have already (hewn to have been frequently praé'tifed in thofe early days) let it be alfo remarked, that, though we {hould allow that the Irz'jb Courts of Juflice might, perhaps, in {cine particular cafes of a'gflrmce between individuals, but of I'm/zfe- rence |