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Show [ xxxviii ] Law(25). ‘ cernand dif'tinguifh Right from Wrong, tible and plain MAXIMS, thefe necrflizry : Equzty from from Com/Mom of REASON, that the follow- ‘ Tort, 72}: from its oppofite Irrjurz'a, ing Declaration is founded; and therefore, as we are warned alfo by the re- Iniguz‘ty, Droit ‘ 59°C. This umverfal faculty of difc etn(, ment perhaps Will be better known and ‘ more readily acknowledged under the ‘ title of Carr/ammo; for by that natural ‘ mfhnét of Confeience every indi vidual ‘- brows 751702 1.76 (for: amt/3, and is there- ‘ by rendered relponfible before God and Man for all his aé‘tions.' ‘ . ‘ And as all natural Faculties may be ‘ ismproved by the rudiments of Art and ‘ crence,foeventheNATURALFEELING s or (,onscrL-‘NCE may be ren dered more : fawn/e, [cm/tr, and dz/ fz'ng‘ ‘ proper Knowledge of the zzifiiriq, by a Elm/2722's or ending Prec epts ofthe LAW ETERNA L' The remainder of the Tra é‘c corifilis in a metal and application of fuch general Max1m: as muf't be allowed, by all perfons of Common San/t, to be TH E NECESSAR Y con-V etusroxs or REASON , and are therefore EChbe efieenied LA WS OF NATURE as. 710 P0"war on Earl/J m 71 have an ' am‘b/orziy to mmzz‘cra éiz; and the {aid (Te 7:271 May/215 or Ru les of Rea/612 zihd . tum! Law are ac cordinOlv h L writers , with grW eat proprit;etJ y, y el OU te F em edi 3W the fir/i fiz 7 [ xxxix ] It is on thefe incontrover- ‘ 4/1 lawman Ordinances, that is, to dif- E) l ‘. ‘ ‘ - z/Mafia" of 1/36 Ere/7f) 16) v Law. vealed Laws of God " not to do evil, " that good may come (26)," every rea{nimble (23) " Primum Fundamentum Legis Anglia: elt LEX " RATIONIS, ch. Qua: in [we Reoma, hcut in omni- " bus aliis Regnis, ubique tenentur." 1303:. e: Stud.e. 5. p. 14. There is indeed an iyyérior order of Maxim (though yet of very great authority) which arife from general cul‘toms and the approved ancient determinations of the Courts of Law ; and tl'lele form, what is called, THE FOURTH foundation or the fifiglifl; Law; though they may be ranked (as the Author of Doctor and Student informs us) with the fisher/Manda": mflm; on THE 1 HIRD four/drif/ciz. -- " :Si quis tamen pro " uno folo fundamento ea" meaning 2/52 gcnrra/(u/lwxzr, and the feveral maxim ariling therefrom) " eenferi " judicaverir, ad placitum Mm, 621 [70 mm tautumfm- " dammit: compotare potelt, et tulle lecundum illum " gr/z'nquefrmdammm" (for Otherwile he reckons/{x in in all) " Lrgi: ling/ice Irwin"; allignziri debent." Daft. et Stud. c. 8. p. 28. But as the true meaning of the. {aid {rt/"HEW Maxim; is not obi-rm; to people in general, like thofe belonging to the-fir]! fczmn'urfwz, it is happy for us that they are 7102 nary/"Evy to be known by any perlons who do net profits the Law; neither, indeed, can they be known Without great ltudy and labour, of which we are well apprifed by the learned Author of Doctor and Student. " Haze veto maxi/2m {olum in " Cutiis Regiis, five inter Legis Anglia: peritos nof" Cuntur, nee leviter ablttue I'i/(gvo fludfio in legihus " Anglia: habendo cognotci pollunt. " rabilibus fundamentis ponuntur. ldco pro lepe- Mid. (20) The Apollle Paul has delivered a rag/I trimmdam warning to that}: wretched Politicians, who admit the haiieful Dm‘trine - " Let 1/; da livxL r/mt Goon I‘ m‘y |