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Show [ 42 ] [ 43 ] well as Treafon againft the People at of exprefiing our perflmal attachment to large, to fay that we cannot unite with our American Brethren, when there is a confiitutional mode both of Government and Union, efiablilhed by law, and an the King and tile royal Family, who, in themfelves, indeed are truly amiable, and worthy of ef'reem ; but it is very diffi- cult, in this world, to guard againfl: mifreprefentation and bad advice ; how- unquef'rionable precedent, the obfervance of which would undoubtedly fatisfy every new Wt ‘ l ever, I trufi that 3 Ready perfeverance in honefl: American Subjeét P Love and Duty will be the true means The advocates for the jurifdié‘tion of the Britifh Parliament in flmerica, like of your prevailing in the end, as it will prove that your oppofition is not occafioned either by difafiefiion or difloyalty, but is truly legal and canflz'tutional. all promoters of bad meafures, will not fail to reprefent thofe, that oppofe them, as licentious and difafiecled perfons; and therefore, as it is highly neceflitry for the general weflare and fubfiflence of the Britilh Empire, both in Europe, Alia, and America, (upon the principles already explained,) that we {hould {trié'tly main- tain our Loyalty to tbe Crown, at the fame time that we fleadily affert our legal and conflitutional Rights,--¥ I think I am, wit/'9 great cfleem, Dear Sir, Ybar oalz'ged bumale Servant, GRANVILLE SHARP. we ought to lofe no proper opportunity of G 2 RS. |