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Show x8+ ] [135] ers, thatthe'fcvere cenlure, which Lord From what has been laid, lhope it will appear fufliciently clear to my Read- Coke {o juttly bellowed on the two wick- B b ed ers, u rmlm ;" {0 that any Judge, who lhould venture to tioned, of Hen. Vll. was exprefsly {aid to be againlt " greatenormitics and offences, which" (have) " been " committed, and have daily, contrary to the gaod enforce the laid A85, IN SUCH CASES, would manifeltly DESERVE TO BE HANGED, as much as Dudley and Empfon! " Sta/um, for many and divers behoovefull confidera" tions, feverally made and ordained, to the dilplea" fun: of A/mz‘g/Jr} God, and the great let of 1/22 mm- The examination of this point gives {ome general " man Larw and wealth of the land." Now, notwithfiand'ing this ." FAIR PLATTERING PREAMBLE," as Sir Edward Coke calls it, yet THE PURVIEquz/mt Ac?" (as hejuftly remarked) idea how far the Power of the high Court of Parliament (notwithfianding that imaginary " omm'patmgy" which {ome men havcignorantly attributed to it) may be allow- .wmmrlmmorfu- v ‘1. ed to extend; " for. the more high and nbfolute thejuril'. " diction ofthe court is, the MORE JUST and HONOURIt !"-|" | lull" |u "'54; u 4.- ABLE it ought to be in the proceeding, and to oive " example of jullice [0 inferior courts." 4th lnll. p.b3~ Whlch is moll: llriflly true; for, whenever the fuprenie temporal power: exceed the boflouraélc limits of natural yuflire and Vial/J, they lellen their own dignity and In proportion to their errors, forfeit that relpeftful con: {idcratron and elteem, which would otherwife be due from their fubjeéts. And we mull remember likewil'e that the being "ju/I and banauraéle" in mere ,profelfiori of .words', without the reality, will have ver little werghtwith the body of the People, Who are {:nducd wrth tommorr-jérr/é, as well as their fuperiors, to dilcern what 15 jufl and bolmllrtl/Ilt' from that which is mtre/ {aged/2; and that a pretence to juflice am/ bomur, ini 0W . uncts have {ometimes been ulheredunto the world under the molt fané‘tified titles and tpecrous pretences! The abominable Aet beforementinned, tended, in 1/18 extrutian, conlrar} Ex DIAMETRO, viz. to 1/2: big/J dé/jfileflfln'e of ALMIGHTY GOD, Ibegrmt LET, nay, t/JL' UTTER Sunvartstox,aft/Jz COMMON LA w, amIt/M G REAT LET qu/Je I'let/J oft/Jr's Luna';" ibid. p. 40. as, indeed, every other Aft of Parliament mutt inevitably do, which perverts " we d'zze com/i of " the Law," and robs the fubjeé‘ts of any jinzrlame;z.‘nl‘ Rig/2t." And therefore, if any luch Aet l'nould be made to "' A: for inflame, let us fuppofe, (ML) that :m Actis nude, law»; any or town, (LI-P771 an) to paflhge the flop up or profCribe to the urea!‘ jinn (y‘rbefea, or great n'vuer, without the Confcnt, and an Act would' Dcn'itnent, of all the neighbouring inhabitants ; {rich the full or be " FUNDAMENTALLY WRONG," as being contrary to for it is clearlymolt ellEntial Right of mankind, the Law :meme: ke fed, and Llid down by Braéton, that all for", bum:ns,fl79rcrofr particumore (but , pall‘engers peace‘hle all to free are great rivws, LfNalarly, we may add, to the neartlt inlmbiranlg) by the Law (ammunia jinn: fur: mull/"Nations : " NATURALI VERU IURE " mm L'wt'c, aqua Prrflucns, " quail mili' amn‘sm. aer, rt MARE, rt "1‘1 ORA Maura, NEMo enim it." littus inarit actedcrc pm- " linbzmr4 V |