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Show i '96 l [ 97 ] ter, in the opinion of every honel‘t Irifh- the Kr'ng': Suéjeé‘r's of Ireland, without man, yet the Irifh are more obliged td dif'tinétion, in the firft year of King Hen- this Author than he himfelf, perhaps, intended they fhould be; for he clearly proves that a Charter of Liberties (24.), agreeing in all the Chapters with our Magmz C/Jarz‘a, was feparcztely granted to‘ t/Je r l i l r il 3 I 'I'lll'N-IMII-lmur' b I I‘v v m- (24) " For the only mittake of Lard Cake is, that he conceived" (fays he) " that Magna Charm was not of force in Ireland 'till the 10th of Hen. 7. which is only a mittake of amatter of fact; for in truth we find" (continues the Serjeant) " that Itatute was given to them of Ireland in the firll: year of Hen. 3. and all the Chapters thereof (except three or four of the lafi Chapters) are entered in the Red Book of the Exchequer of Ireland, where, in the beginning, after the King's ltile recited, he faith, Imprimis conceflimus Deo, et hac prmfenti Charti nofli‘a confirmamus pro nobis 8: haredibus nofiris in perpetuum, quod Hibernica Ecclefia libera fit, 89%. Firfi, we have granted to God, and, by this our Charter, confirm, for us and our heirs for ever, that the Church of Ireland be free. ry III. {0 theta/l t/Je' Subjefi: of Ireland, (the conquered iriflr not excepted) from that very early eriod, and even {0011- er (25) were as much entitled to Ezrglj/YJ 0 Liberty, (25) For, the Eng/If} Seltr'er: carried their Rights with them, and the native lrilh glad/y airrpteJ the Eng- {2/2) Common Law, as {Don as it was tendered to them by the Ellyiz'fl} Conquerors, of which i have produced am plc teliimony in a Note on page 108.1'bthnt their qut title to Eugiffly Lilia-I} and all the legal Immunities of the Conquerors was clearly citablithcd and connrmed by 1121': Irifl; MirgM C/mrm. --- They were very foon afterwards, indeed, wickedly excluded from thefe equi- table Privileges by the inconlidcrate Engliih Settlers; many of whom, tor the take of tyrannizing over their poor neighbours, even anyway-arid (as Sir john Danes informs us in p. 3:.) into the lawlcls ll‘ifll manners themiclves, adopting the old frz'flv cpprelhons of Ta- nil‘irv, C'olherings, Cuttings, Seltzngs, Corgne and Liver), 535. under which molt wicked‘ pretcnccs they devoured Sir John Davis cites a Record in the Tower, if: of ‘ '1‘}.er muff raid»! nfitr'gfms (iiigimlly (p 3.1g from the undu: Hen. 3. Memb. 13. of (be like C/mrter qf Liéertz‘rr Power and uril mited Saw) ot the antient liil'h Chieftains, or Lords, over their poor brethren; but I mutt reii'r my Reader, for a particu- " granted by Hen. 3. to bi: Smijrflr 2'22 Ire/and, a; firm" [elf and 171'; Fat/yer Imdgmm‘t‘d to 165 Su/rjaflr of Eflg" land; but yet this mifiake is only for that Coke was "f not iry‘armd qfr/mt matter tffa: ." Harri-s's Hibermca, pp. 226, z: . lar d-t-tlription of them> to Sir john Divies, who has amply {ct forth the prof: injuliite and perniciuus (met; of firth :zri'x‘fl‘ii fyzwr in men: ncverthflclhl am tempted. to cite, by way or famplt‘, what he has menti'inen in on: p14: concerning the wicltcdncl's of Cr:gr.e and Lititry |